Stream with Us! Introducing the Shroud of the Avatar Livestreamer Program

Calling all livestreamers and livestream viewers across New Britannia! It is time we get the word out to new players and veteran Avatars about your channels. We’ve seen so many great in-game adventures being shown, we want to spotlight them for everyone else to experience!

We are announcing today a calendar program to make it easier for everyone to tune into their favorite streamer, and to support those who stream Shroud of the Avatar. Want to know when someone is on the air? Our calendar will have them listed!

See below for how you can be a part of this exciting new program.

Please contact Chris right away so we can include your channel. 


There’s a lot to be proud of when streaming a game you love to play! Not only do you get facetime among the community, you also help to bring in new players that may not have heard about Shroud of the Avatar before.

We will be supporting livestreamers in their efforts. How we do that will vary at times, but we hope to provide streamers some of the things listed below on a regular basis, some of which they will be able to give out to their viewers:

  • NEW! Old Time Camera Livestream Cloak
  • Streamer version of the Old Time Camera
  • Game coins (COTOs)
  • In-game items
  • Streamer titles
  • Promotion on our channels
  • Streaming facetime with our team!

*To receive the above, you must be an active streamer of the game! Joining Twitch (or any service!) and only streaming for a week is not enough. We will be supporting those who stream after several weeks, and/or are actively engaged with us on keeping the calendar updated and their overall streaming plans.


There are a few rules for being included in the program, so please read below before you submit your channel. In the meantime, feel free to reply to this announcement with your channel for everyone to see! We also suggest you list it here. Include some of the information below in your post.

Program Requirements:

  • Have a channel established with at least 10 livestream followers with a fully set up streaming page that’s public and easily shared.
  • Commit to streaming Shroud of the Avatar at least 2 hours per month in 30 minute or more segments (you can stream it all at once of course). If you are found not to be streaming for over a month, we may remove your listing on the calendar until we hear back from you.
  • Have no recent history of moderation on your game or forum accounts, and have not been moderated on the channel you will be streaming.

Submit The Following to both Chris 

  • Channel link (Twitch or any service!)
  • Times you will be likely streaming
  • Yes/No if you wish to be included in the calendar
  • Brief couple of sentences about your channel and preferred type of gameplay
  • Any mention of streaming themes, such as: “I PvP on Saturdays and craft on Sundays”
  • Name you wish to be referred by
  • Shroud character name for our reference
  • Language you use in your streams, if other than English
  • When you want to be listed in the calendar as likely being on-air. This is a very important step! We need to know the time(s) so we have an accurate calendar. If you find a time is not working out for you, or you won’t be streaming for a particular stretch of time, please let us know so we can update the calendar.

Send the above, and any questions about the program, to community managers Chris in the forums via a private message. We will get back to you as soon as we can review your submission.

Even if you do not wish your channel to be listed in the calendar, please let us know your general interest in streaming the game anyway.

Have fun livestreaming, and thank you for doing so!


  1. ArieusArieus

    @Berek and @Cerus:

    Channel link

    Times you will be likely streaming
    Tuesday & Wednesday Noon – 10am-3pm Central
    Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – 7pm – 9pm

    Yes/No if you wish to be included in the calendar

    Brief couple of sentences about your channel and preferred type of gameplay
    Hello, I am a crafter & gather with a pinch of adventure. My streams strongly involve community conversation and interaction. Relax and have fun.

    Any mention of streaming themes, such as: “I PvP on Saturdays and craft on Sundays”

    Name you wish to be referred by

    Shroud character name for our reference
    Arieus Coillmor

    Language you use in your streams, if other than English

    When you want to be listed in the calendar as likely being on-air. This is a very important step! We need to know the time(s) so we have an accurate calendar. If you find a time is not working out for you, or you won’t be streaming for a particular stretch of time, please let us know so we can update the calendar.

  2. Alleine DragonfyreAlleine Dragonfyre

    “The Beat of Novia” Friday Nights on Avatars Radio ( and in-game) and now on Twitch!

  3. 31Fox31Fox

    Posted in forums and here as well.

    Hello @Berek and @Cerus

    I wish to join LiveStreamer Program.

    My Channel is

    Stream Times:
    Mon ,Wed ,Fri & Sat 9:30 pm till 12 midnight.
    Please add to the calendar.

    I have a Positive fun stream, we promote having fun with other people not at their expense. I am a variety Streamer in that I do stream multiple games but usually focus on 1 or 2 that way I can keep the content consistent.

    Name: Fox Streamly as (31Fox) wasn’t available.
    I go by 31Fox on stream or Fox.

    Stream is in English, but I speak and understand a little German.

    Guest Streamer WolfyFangs will usually join 1 – 2 nights a week.

  4. SlegnorSlegnor

    “Send the above, and any questions about the program, to community managers @Berek AND @Cerus in the forums via a private message”

  5. Jomina

    Will there ever be an option for those of us that stream on YouTube gaming instead of Twitch? Or Twitch only? I’ve got an active channel over on YouTube that I am starting to stream my SoTA gaming sessions to, and have not had a chance to do much with Twitch to this point.

  6. beetlebearbeetlebear

    Already been in discussions with Garriott and Berek, posting here for good measure. If anyone who exclusively streams shroud would like to be included on my host list, please let me know and I’ll get you added!

    Channel link (Twitch or any service!)

    Times you will be likely streaming

    Starting on 4/21/18:
    Tuesdays: 10pm-12am UTC | 3pm-6pm MST
    Thursdays: 10pm-12am UTC | 3pm-6pm MST
    Saturdays: 9pm-1am UTC | 2pm-6pm MST

    Yes/No if you wish to be included in the calendar

    Yes please!

    Brief couple of sentences about your channel and preferred type of gameplay

    In the past my channel was mainly used to promote/play indie games and was affiliated with the now defunct Ambushed Gamer stream team, possibly the first stream team to do a 12 day long continuous stream to raise 15,000$ for Toys For Tots. These days I have completely dedicated my channel exclusively to Shroud content.

    Any mention of streaming themes, such as: “I PvP on Saturdays and craft on Sundays”

    General themes at first like adventuring/questing and possibly a cooking show in the future.

    Name you wish to be referred by


    Shroud character name for our reference


    Language you use in your streams, if other than English


    When you want to be listed in the calendar as likely being on-air. This is a very important step! We need to know the time(s) so we have an accurate calendar. If you find a time is not working out for you, or you won’t be streaming for a particular stretch of time, please let us know so we can update the calendar.

    Starting on 4/21/18:
    Tuesdays: 10pm-12am UTC | 3pm-6pm MST
    Thursdays: 10pm-12am UTC | 3pm-6pm MST
    Saturdays: 9pm-1am UTC | 2pm-6pm MST

    Will let the team know as soon as I can if any scheduled stream is cancelled.

  7. Alpha FishstickAlpha Fishstick

    Hi Guys,

    I would like to participate in the Livestreamer Program.

    Streaming Friday Evenings 7pm-9pm EST., and Saturday/Sunday Random Times.

    Yes include in the calendar

    I like to share my experience in Shroud of the Avatar with other Community Members. Playing Music, Fishing, Searching for Treasures, and Crafting are just some of the activities I enjoy.

    Name you wish to be referred by: “Alpha” or “Alpha Fishstick”

    Shroud character name for our reference: “Alpha Fishstick”

    Language: English

    Thank You

  8. Deadly HabitDeadly Habit

    Kind of confused about the whole calendar bit since I tend to stream at random times and wondering how to list that. (you already have me friended on twitch)

    Playstyle: Grinding, PvP events, Build/Deck experimentation, EVL guild shenanigans, crafting

    Name: Deadly Habit same for character

    Language: English

    Also just FYI to @Berek & @Cerus and anyone partaking, since you’re receiving incentives for partaking (even though just digital assets) make sure to disclose that it’s a Sponsored Stream in your title.

    1. BerekBerek Post author

      No worries! If you have relatively specific times, we’ll be able to add you to the calendar. We’ll also have a general list of livestreamers with the calendar, so no one is left out of being mentioned as streaming at some point.

      Good point on the sponsored part!

  9. Oriayan

    @Berek @Cerus (though I do have other stream sites I use once in awhile)

    I work a graveyard shift 2 days on, 2 days off, with a 3 day weekend every other weekend. My times that I stream are on my weekdays off during the day usually from 8-830am PST until I get tired. Late night / early mornings on the weekends that I’m off as I’m awake when others are sleeping.

    Sure, if needed once I get my schedule for work set in stone I can send you a better idea of the days I can / will be streaming

    My stream is typically more of a hangout and learning channel for not only myself but for any that show up and watch. I tend to be a more learn as I go gamer and enjoy hanging out with folks that come and watch the stream. Sometimes it can get NSFW with language but its something I’m working on being prior Army.

    Usually my streams are labeled as SotA – (activity for the day)


    Oriayan Shadefist

    Hopefully once everything gets figured with my work I can get a better setup for times but I tend to be a spur of the moment streamer most the time. My stream panels have a schedule on it that I try to keep up to date with as far as times I’ll be streaming. (All times are PST)

    1. BerekBerek Post author

      Thanks, and welcome to the Livestreamer Program! We’re still working on the calendar portion, should be announced next week.

  10. KaffienKaffien

    Channel link (Twitch or any service!)

    Times you will be likely streaming
    Between 8pm and 12pm week days, throughout the weekend.

    Yes/No if you wish to be included in the calendar
    No Thank you. I’d like to stream the game right away. Mostly crafting things,
    ways to get materials like scrap etc easily. So new folks can craft without wasting mats!
    I will be picking up a camera this weekend.

    Brief couple of sentences about your channel and preferred type of gameplay
    I prefer to adventure solo and explore. I love to craft and find great deals and turning
    a profit on said deals. Also the struggle of selling crafted goods
    for near the cost of mats as possible. Guild Hunts are amazing to.

    Any mention of streaming themes, such as: “I PvP on Saturdays and craft on Sundays”
    Kaffius Crafts and (Mis)Adventures

    Name you wish to be referred by
    Kaffien (pronounced caffeine)

    Shroud character name for our reference
    Kaffius Forgius and Kaffien

    Language you use in your streams, if other than English
    Only English

    1. BerekBerek Post author

      Hi Kabalyero! We’ll be contacting everyone this week. Not to worry though, as it’s more difficult to NOT be accepted than to be accepted :). It’s a simple program really, so no worries for you certainly.


    1. BerekBerek Post author

      I’m sorry Shift, total oversight! I’ll get you in the calendar right away. Sorry about that ;(.

  11. BerekBerek Post author

    Quick update for all that we have the streamers camera for all livestreamers ready! Please PM me in the forums your Character name to get it awarded. Please use an existing livestream conversation thread if we started one with you already.


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