Join us in Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues!

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is a multiplayer fantasy role-playing game calling upon you to return to New Britannia as a fabled Avatar to fulfill the paths of Truth, Love, and Courage through a deep single-player storyline. Featuring a robust player housing and town system, Shroud of the Avatar is a perfect fit for players with a strong sense of community and teamwork. Embark on new adventures in the world of New Britannia and play alongside friends and family. Come join us to become a permanent resident in a persistent shared universe… (learn more)

Atos and other members of the Shroud of the Avatar development team go live very frequently on Please also join us on Facebook, YouTubeTwitter for Catnip Games, Twitter for Shroud of the Avatar, and the official Shroud of the Avatar Discord Server. Like! Follow! Subscribe! For the latest news from the team, please read our monthly updates and watch our latest livestreams on Twitch:


Play Release 105!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Release 105 goes live August 25th at 10:30 AM CDT.

Welcome! The Catnip Games development team marks this monthly release of Shroud of the Avatar with new content and improvements. For Release 105 (R105), we offer bug fixes, the deactivation of the Heritage flag, and a small upcoming scene preview.

For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.

News Announcements

Community Updates


Vikland Preview

Sannio’s upcoming scene in progress, Vikland, is apparently a small village of barbarians. I’ve heard they’re raiders who ransack other communities up and down the west coast of Slangemagge, but there’s nothing worrisome here in the village or in the hills further inland.

Vikland in Progress


Heritage Flag Deactivation

Heritage IconYes, the rumors are true! Due to overwhelming community request, we are disabling the Heritage flag on all items purchased in the Crown Store. This applies to items bought in the past and items currently listed in the store. This change is planned to be put in place with a patch on Friday, September 2nd.

What is Heritage? Items currently marked with the Heritage flag are bound to the account that purchased the item. In the store this is indicated by the lion icon and the item names showing green, indicating that they cannot be traded (unless packaged for trade with Crowns.)

We are overriding the effects of Heritage items so they may once again be tradeable. Feel free to gift all your friends with fancy outhouses! RMT (Real Money Transactions) are still not supported by Shroud of the Avatar, in so far as Support will not assist in any issue arising from a player to player RMT trade, and RMT advertisements should not be made on any of the official SotA social channels (Discord, Forums, in-game chat, etc.) We recommend using one of the existing (or maybe even a new) player-run website/forum for RMT trades.


Release 105 Patch Notes

Below are a list of the updates that are live as of Release 105 in the game of Shroud of the Avatar! R105 is a polish month. Content, additional improvements, and bug fixes are inbound for R106 next month. We hope you enjoy the changes that are live today as of Release 105!

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Play Release 104!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Release 104 goes live July 28th at 10:30 AM CDT.

Welcome! The Catnip Games development team marks this monthly release of Shroud of the Avatar with new content and improvements. For Release 104 (R104), we offer a host of bug fixes and a couple of notes from our developers.

For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.

News Announcements

Community Updates


Unity 2021 Upgrade Status

We’ve been working hard to get Unity to the current 2021 LTS version and it’s finally completed and coming! After this release is out, we are going to put the new version on QA for players to test for the next month. Why are we waiting another release? Because we want to get things right. A lot of things have changed in Unity since 2018 and here are a few things to expect:

  • Better overall performance
  • The newest hardware and software will be better-supported
  • Terrain shaders have been updated and are faster. Some terrain settings have been refined to increase performance. These two changes in performance should affect RTX card users that previously had problems while looking at certain parts of the terrain after playing a while.
  • Shader changes to use D3D11 more efficiently
  • Loading time between scenes should have decreased by a few seconds
  • We now have access to better tools to expand the game with greater visual effects, like shader graph and the new terrains tool
  • The Unity 2021 editor is way more performant than the 2018 one, which is very good for us devs!

On a sad note, this new update to Unity took so much of our time this release that other planned projects were completely on hold for the month, but don’t despair: the best is yet to come!

With this said, we are hoping to see you in QA to test this with us!

– Devilcult


Ravalox’s Upcoming Plans

With Unity 2021 going to the QA testing phase, I will be concentrating on the long-overdue Lord of the Isle outstanding deliverables including the basement and working with Richard to hasten the silver rings to completion (based on his schedule, of course.) I will also be working on player dungeon bugs and, if all goes well, new rooms. Finally, I will also be getting back to working on the missing scene maps.

As we head into Q4, I want to coordinate with Devilcult in expanding the Lua API to better support players who want to coordinate events and run contests. This effort may include a basic Lua Add-on event sign-up tool that can be used as a springboard for our community Lua scripters. This is still at the drawing-board stage, so be patient while we make things better!

As we continue to sweep the website and improve the functionality some exciting changes will be coming including the elimination of the new-player paywall meant to prevent spammers from accessing the forums. Changes need to be made in the way accounts are created to implement this, so please be patient as we update the structure.

– Ravalox


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Play Release 103!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Release 103 goes live June 30th at 10:30 AM CDT.

Welcome! The Catnip Games development team marks this monthly release of Shroud of the Avatar with new content and improvements. For Release 103 (R103), we offer a new underground scene, Grusk Factory, and the return of the Make a Difference store.

For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.

News Announcements

Community Updates


New Scene: Grusk Factory

The lobby of Grusk Factory

Grusk is a bustling community tended by countless automatons in a variety of roles. The continuous demand for them, locally as well as for export, is met by the underground Grusk Factory: the largest clockwork manufacturing facility in the world! Business is booming and new caverns are being bored even now to expand the growing workspace.

Unfortunately, the Factory has suspended tours during its blasting operations for the safety of the crew. Outlanders with Episode 2 access attempting to tour the Factory will be treated as intruders. Should you and your party plan a self-guided visit to this tier 8+ scene from the Factory yard in Grusk, be aware: with so many moving parts, there’s bound to be some dangers. Visitors to the Factory should wear suitable protective gear and be mindful of tricky hazards. Finally, engineers crawling back from the newest tunnels have babbled about unspeakable horrors! …but such things would be in the newest tunnels, far from the production floors any Avatar would be interested in seeing.


The Return of the Make a Difference Store

Charity items are returning to the web store starting July 1st (the first day of the year’s third quarter). Each quarter, 20% of the proceeds from these items will be donated to the relevant charities. The few charity items that were in the in-game Crown store have been moved to the web store. When it’s active, the store can be reached here.

Wishing Well and Juggle Pink Lights


List of Make a Difference store items:

Autism Awareness Charity
  • Blue Standing Torches
  • Epic Puzzle Tree
  • Juggle Blue Torches Emote
  • Puzzle 4-Pack
  • Puzzle Package
  • Puzzle Pattern Cloak
  • Puzzle Piece Blue Floor Lantern
  • Puzzle Piece Blue Wall Sconce
  • Puzzle Tree 6-Pack
  • Puzzle Tree Cloak
  • Tabletop Puzzle Tree 3-Pack

Breast Cancer Charity
  • Countach Package
  • Countach Phonograph
  • Countach Pink Dye 12-Pack
  • Countach Wax Cylinders
  • Countach: An Album Cover
  • Juggle Pink Lights Emote
  • Pink Dual Wax Cylinder Phonograph with Emotes
  • Pink Electric Katana (to be added in the near future)
  • Pink Electric Katana Pattern Pack (to be added in the near future)
  • Pink Electric Sword
  • Pink Electric Sword Pattern Pack
  • Shooter Jennings Heraldry Art

Children & Family Charities
  • Doctor’s Outfit
  • Doctor’s Outfit Pattern Pack
  • Exodus by Helen Garriott
  • Hospital Decorations Set
  • Hospital Mega Set
  • Hospital Sign 9-Pack
  • Hospital Wearables Set
  • Nurse’s Outfit
  • Nurse’s Outfit Pattern Pack
  • Ornate Head Bandage
  • Ornate Head Bandage Pattern Pack
  • Ornate Hospital Bed
  • Ornate Hospital Cloth Room Dividers
  • Ornate Hospital Gown
  • Ornate Hospital Gown Pattern Pack
  • Ornate IV Stand
  • Ornate Surgical Tray with Instruments
  • Ornate Wheelchair
  • Skylab Dish by Helen Garriott

  • Moustache Cloak
  • Moustache Helm
  • Moustache Helm Pattern Pack
  • Moustache Shield
  • Moustache Shield Pattern Pack

Nature Charity
  • Earth Magic Cloak
  • Reaper Sapling

Safe Water and Sanitation Charity
  • Kobold Indoor Toilet
  • Ornate Outhouse
  • Rain Emote
  • Water Magic Cloak
  • Water Package
  • Charity Mega Set
  • Water.Org Fur Collared Cloak
  • Water.Org Glowing Mug
  • Wishing Well


Release 103 Patch Notes

Below are a list of the updates that are live as of Release 103 in the game of Shroud of the Avatar! R103 is a content month. Polish, additional improvements, and bug fixes are inbound for R104 next month. We hope you enjoy the changes that are live today as of Release 103!

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Play Release 102!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Release 102 goes live May 26th at 10:30 AM CDT.

Welcome! The Catnip Games development team marks this monthly release of Shroud of the Avatar with new content and improvements. For Release 102 (R102), we offer expanded character customization!

For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.

News Announcements

Community Updates


New Character Customization Options

Make Your Mark!

A basic set of face and body markings (tattoos, scars, freckles, etc.) has been added to character creation, with a greatly expanded set (including new hair colors) available at the New You Salons in Central Britanny (uphill northwest from the docks, on the left before the fountain) and Ardoris (behind the magic shop at the docks).

When previewing markings, be sure to spin yourself around! Many options have components on upper and lower torso, upper and lower arms, back, or sides and back of head that may be hidden by some hairstyles. You’ll now be shown without clothing in the mirror, so body art will be clearly visible. Placement and coloring for each are fixed.

A random button was also recently added to the character design interface, which can produce some startling results with the new options available!

There is also a new “Load” button in the interface: when you finish creating or modifying a character, the settings you chose will be exported to a text file on your computer that can be imported when you return to New You, whether with the same character or another, if you wish to match customizations exactly across multiple characters. Only the basic appearance and morph features from character creation can be reloaded this way, not options exclusive to the New You Salons.

(As always, if you pay to enter New You and leave by canceling and discarding your changes instead of finishing, the salon manager will remember that you have a credit and allow you to re-enter without additional payment.)

Face in New You mirror with purple hair and face and body tattoos


Release 102 Patch Notes

Below are a list of the updates that are live as of Release 102 (R102) in the game of Shroud of the Avatar! R102 is a polish, improvements, and bug fixes month. Content, additional improvements, and bug fixes are inbound for R103 next month. We hope you enjoy the changes that are live today as of Release 102!

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Play Release 101!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Release 101 goes live April 28th at 10:30 AM CDT.

Welcome! The Catnip Games development team marks this monthly release of Shroud of the Avatar with new content and improvements. For Release 101 (R101), our range of mounts has been extended to big cats!

For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.

News Announcements

Community Updates


New Big Cat Mounts!

Black Panthers, Jaguars, Lionesses, and Snow Leopards have been successfully trained to accept riders by the skilled and secretive New Britannian cat-trainers and are available for purchase in the Crown Store. They’re sure the other big cats will cooperate as soon as they identify the right kind of bribe treat…

Sneak Preview: Grusk Factory

Grusk Factory is not open for tours this month, but we have a couple of preview images from Sannio. …It looks dark in there. Very efficient, kobolds.

Release 101 Patch Notes

Below are a list of the updates that are live as of Release 101 (R101) in the game of Shroud of the Avatar! R101 is a content, improvements, and bug fixes month. Polish, additional improvements, and bug fixes are inbound for R102 next month. We hope you enjoy the changes that are live today as of Release 101!

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Play Release 100 Now!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Welcome to Release 100! The Catnip Games development team marks this 100th monthly release of Shroud of the Avatar with new content and improvements. For Release 100 (R100), a new adventure scene has been added to the game: Grusk!

For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.

News Announcements

Community Updates


New Adventure Scene: Grusk!

The modern kobold metropolis of Grusk has opened its gates to humans! Nestled by the Eye of the Artificer in Mistrendur’s Rostfelt region, on the shore of the beautiful Reykturfloi, this Tier 10 town has sights for the discriminating tourist with Episode 2 access.

Get to know another culture! The residents of Grusk are happy to discuss their views on history and their daily lives with an appreciative audience. Enjoy the sea breezes as you sit and chat at the fabled Grusk Lighthouse.

Visit fine dining establishments, both at the scenic docks and in the bustling upper town. Don’t worry about distances when planning your outings: Grusk is at the vanguard of modern public transportation and the town is well-serviced by several free trolley routes. The townsfolk power them with quite an assortment of windmills, taking advantage of the winds off the bay, and geothermal energy from the nearby springs.

Grusk is not just a tourist spot, though: this is a busy port town with extensive warehouses, businesses that support their fine tradition of technological crafting, and a diligent guard force. Some even say that the Governor is in line to become the next Grand Artificer of the kobolds! Under the monumental moon towers, automatons make their way through the city, working constantly to keep it clean. Pick up a unique autonomous companion of your own to bring home.

Ouside the city proper, walk along extensive beaches! Enjoy fishing under the swaying palms, fly a kite, you might even find a pearl! …or head up into the hills for a challenging hike: enjoy the heat of mineral springs and thrill to the sight of their geysers, with plenty of wildlife to view along the path to them!

New Fetid Fish!

Araipama, Barramundi, Spotted Catfish, Longnose Gar, and Tigerfish have been discovered in the fetid waters of New Britannia! We’re not sure where they’ve been hiding, but this Spring seems to have drawn them out. The recipe-writers of New Britannia have already created trophy recipes for each, with food recipes to come soon.

Quest Resets For Everyone!

Oh no, a kobold hacker has reset everyone’s quest flags!

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Play Release 99 NOW!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Welcome to Release 99! As many of you might have noticed, next release is a huge milestone for us. Release 100! Due partially to us wanting to make Release 100 extra special and the short month, Release 99 is largely polish and just a handful of new features! The headliners items for this release are some much-needed quest journal improvements and the final entries into the big cats family along with unique ROAR effects for all tamed big cats! The new town of Grusk was very close to making it for this release as Sannio has been working hard on fleshing out the NPCs and expanding the quests in the scene but we decided to save it for next month’s exciting celebration release!


For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Player Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes.

Release 99 Patch Notes!

Below is a list of game changes and new content that are live as of Release 99 (R99).

  • New Journal UI
  • Mounted Young Fish – added mounted decorations and recipes for all young fish types
  • Fixed Leather Backpack deco floating issues SOTA-69784
  • Fixed issue with Lion Cub Pet missing Dismiss option SOTA-70050
  • Fixed typo in Stone Dungeon Room Spawned (Random Encounter 2) blueprint
  • Fixed issue with tamed crocodile names not displaying correctly SOTA-69582
  • The lion roar should now properly mesmerize nearby hostile opponents
  • The lioness should now grant nearby friendly players a life attunement buff
  • The tiger roar now grants nearby friendly pets a bonus to critical hit chance
  • Jaguars now have a unique roar that grants some limited magic resistance to those nearby
  • Black Panthers now have a unique roar that grants a modest dexterity bonus to those nearby
  • Snow Tigers now have a unique roar that reduces the fire resistance of enemies that hear it!
  • Sabertooth Tigers and Snow Leopards, wild and tamed.
  • Sabertooth Tigers have been spotted in the Normal, Hard, and Extreme difficulties of Lamech’s Bazaar and Desert Encounters in Novia, Hidden Vale, and Mistrendur! When tamed, their roar grants party members additional strength!
  • Snow Leopards have invaded the Obsidian Panopticon and Snowy Mountain Road Encounters and Snowy Tundra Encounters in Novia and Mistrendur! These fierce creatures have a roar that increases crit damage vs enemies that hear it
  • Splintering Strike has had its damage calculation changed to do slightly less base damage but factor in attunement to increase the overall damage
  • Glacial Glissades damage has been reduced slightly to be in line with other, similar skills
  • Aether amplifiers will no longer take up a deco slot to make it easier to place them for temporary events
  • R99 Reward: Set of Leprechaun Bowler Hats
  • R99 Reward: Set of Ancient Xenossian Urns
  • R99 Reward: Sparse Clover Paver Set
  • R99 Login Reward: Irish-Themed Wax Cylinders
  • Fix: Fixed lua function ShroudGetGameTime day and month which was giving 1 less than it should.
  • Fix: Fixed lua function ShroudSetInputText.
  • Added commas to the lists of locations given by town criers. SOTA-70084
  • Player can now use hotkeys for decks 13-48. SOTA-69855
  • Fix: Stripping URL bbcode from lua as this was not suppose to be allowed.
  • Added ShroudGetEquipments to lua function which work the same way as ShroudGetInventory
  • Loot that is rolled in party will now appear in “Recently Looted” sorting option.
  • Estgard: Updated the journal entry for “Convince Knight in Estgard” to help clarify what needs to be done. SOTA-69871
  • Ferig’s Battle Camp: Ean should now pay players some gold as instructed by Ferig, even after the avatar has finished the Courage path.
  • Highvale Outskirts: Fixed a typo in one of Esmeralda’s responses.
  • Necropolis Barrens: Updated the gates at Envy Angel’s home so that NPCs don’t simply walk through them. SOTA-70198
  • Solania Catacombs: Fixed a typo in the logic used by Whiteguard Helena’s responses to fix a build error.
  • Solania Catacombs: Updated the logic in Whiteguard Helena’s responses to help ensure the Ichor Witch’s Skull is removed after the completion of the quest.
  • Soltown: Updated some text and logic used in Jeanne’s responses to improve how players give her the silver necklace.
  • Corrected the display name for the Eternal Pattern: Feathered Leather Wizard’s Hat. SOTA-70203
  • Additive Loot Table update for spiders in the Player Dungeon Spider Room (Hard and Boss) to drop blueprints.
  • Display Name changes for player dungeon spider rooms are now more consistent.
  • Deco can now be placed in the Hilt Spider Room (Debris Deco) Player Dungeon Room SOTA-70202
  • Corrected Z fighting in the long connection hallway for the Spider Deco and Spider Pristine player dungeon rooms.
  • Eliminated warnings seen when loading into a dungeon with the Pristine or Debris Deco versions of the Player Dungeon Spider Rooms placed.
  • Moved all uncategorized dungeon recipe book entries into the smelting category. (Spider Totems will be in the correct category as of R99 patch1) SOTA-68339, SOTA-70220
  • Blueprints for the (Pristine Deco-able) Spider Player-Dungeon room and the Spawning Spider Player-Dungeon room will now drop in Hilt as expected. SOTA-70201
  • Added the following subscriber rewards to the store to appear on March 19th: Leprechaun Bowler Hat 2-Pack, Sparse Clover Pavers, Ancient Xenossian Urn 3-Pack. Added the Very Sparse Small Pavers to the store to appear on February 24th. Adjusted some icons for brightness. Added bowler hat patterns to proper classification.
  • Added GDOC_Occludee components to all 21 prefab variations of the gustballs so that when players have GPU Occlusion set to “on”, the gustballs do not mysteriously disappear at odd moments.
  • Five new wax cylinders are now available as loot in the Floating Barrel (Flotsam) which can be fished from the waters of the moat at Castle Atos.



Avatars! Rewards Program login items for Release 99 are a must-have — don’t miss out! This month’s collection includes Xenossian vases, Leprechaun Bowler Hats, and a new paver set! Subscribers to the Reward Program must login during Release 99 to receive these special login items:The Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program lets you earn the best rate on purchasing Crowns, AND receive monthly reward items! For the low price of $9 USD per month you will receive the following:


  • 900 Crowns of the Obsidians every month
  • Monthly Login Reward Items (about 3 per month)
  • Exclusive Title every 3 months
    • 3 Months: Keeper of the Faith
    • 6 Months: Keeper of the Word
    • 9 Months: Keeper of the Vow
    • 12 Months: Keeper of the Flame
    • 15 Months: Keeper of the Oath
    • 18 Months: Keeper of the Pledge
    • 21 Months: Keeper of the Bond
    • 24 Months: Keeper of the Promise
    • 27 Months: Keeper of the Covenant
  • Pick any Dye 12-Pack every 6 months
  • Pick any three of these 7 Obsidian Potions every month:
    • Potion of Capacity: Increases carrying capacity
    • Potion of Conservation: Reduces reagent use chance
    • Potion of Expedience: Swift gathering on all gathering skills
    • Potion of Precision: Increases Meticulous Collection to all gathering skills
    • Potion of Preservation: Reduces armor and weapon damage
    • Potion of Reclamation: Increases Salvage and Repair to all production skills
    • Potion of Stamina: Decreases focus use from sprinting
  • While subscribed to the rewards program, players also receive these special bonuses:
    • Obsidian Potions are significantly more powerful!
    • 24 Additional Deck Slots!

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Play Release 98 Now!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

The Catnip Games development team now brings the players of Shroud of the Avatar another round of new content and improvements. For Release 98 (R98), our primary focus was bugs but we did manage to sneak in a number of new game elements! First off, more large cats (black panthers, jaguars, snow tigers) have been added, most of which can be tamed! Players will find these new creatures scattered through many scenes throughout New Britannia! Also, a entirely new category of powerful but fragile artifact has started to appear in some scenes.

For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Release 98 Patch Notes!

Below is a list of game changes and new content that are live as of Release 98 (R98). A handful of combat balance changes and other fixes will be patched in within the next week before moving on to our February release

  • More big cats have finally made their appearance in Novia: Jaguars, Black Panther, and Snow Tigers
    • With the exception of the very rare, very powerful version of each species, all big cats can be tamed!
    • Jaguars and Black Panthers have chances to spawn in:
      • Forest road encounter in Novia, Hidden Vale, and Mistrendur
      • Ravensmoor
      • Verdantis Shardfall
      • Norgard Fens
      • Sawtooth Thicket
    • Snow Tigers have a chance to spawn in:
      • Snowy Tundra encounters in Novia and Mistrendur
      • Jotungrund
  • Added a randomize button to the character creation screen.
  • Added a street light to Righ Inis on the overworld map to make it easier to find.
  • Added big cat trophy heads and rugs
  • Added Lua function ShroudPlayerGold to get current gold amount of the player.
  • Added pristine to the new big cat head component
  • Added ShroudOnPlaySound which will catch Lua and UI sound name and also ShroudStopUISound() which is used with the first function to stop a sound from
  • Being played in the UI channel right when its being played.
  • Added ShroudSceneMusic(active) lua function to stop or re-enable back the scene music.
  • Adjusted and added missing deco surfaces for the Lord of the Isle Aquarium dungeon room. SOTA-70104
  • Aerie: Fixed an issue where the “Find Another Blacksmith” compass marker was displaying prematurely. SOTA-70085
  • Ardoris: Added a compass marker for players finding certain evidence related to the black arrow murders. SOTA-70078
  • Ardoris: Improved the journals, responses, logic, and compass markers related to meeting with Siranto, Khasi, Pintar, Damai, and the spirit-talkers.
  • Ardoris: Improved the logic which Shaaria uses to clear her “Give Advice to Shaaria” task. SOTA-70092
  • Ardoris: Removed a redundant keyword from Rolf the guard’s conversation, to stop build errors.
  • Ardoris: The “Meet with Siranto” task has had several text improvements, including being renamed to “Mention Undead to Siranto.”
  • Ardoris: Updated the tasks related to Samael and Kardan Marbane pointing the avatar to talk to Min Liang Tan. SOTA-65292
  • Bard songs vfx should no longer continue after the song is over.
  • Battle of Solace Bridge: Corrected spelling of “Soltown” in “Tell Abigail About Charlotte” journal entry. SOTA-70094
  • Big cats collision was overly large and made it difficult to loot things with a large cat pet out. These have now been adjusted downward to make them less annoying.
  • Big cats should all now have a ROAR ability that grants different effects
  • Big cats will no longer pounce while rooted.
  • Blood River Massacre: Improved how the “Find a Weapon” task resolves itself and archives this task. SOTA-70080
  • Blood River Outskirts: Adjusted the path grid to help keep a deer from spawning within a certain tree. Added POI-specific music at the outposts and ziggurat. SOTA-70143
  • Broochash: Avatars cannot choose to skip a conversation with Albreda if they have Umberjack’s “shakedown note” for her. SOTA-70079
  • Castle ATOS now has a Scene Map. SOTA-70149
  • Castle Atos teleporter now takes you to Castle Atos
  • Castle Atos: Moved items floating over the storehouse shelter to rest on the roof.
  • Castle Atos: Removed line-of-sight conversation requirement from the banker. SOTA-70126
  • Castle Atos: The faction for the chickens in Castle Atos have been changed to “chicken” faction, allowing them to be attacked. SOTA-70100
  • Castle Atos: The Storehouse Containers in Castle Atos have been updated, and the unique turn-in item at the uncommon crate requires 2 Purple Wyvern Eggs.
  • Crown Shop: added castleSet wizard’s tower village home to store
  • Deep Savrenoc Timberland: Resource nodes are now correctly set to tier 4. SOTA-70139
  • Dungeon Kit: Fixed a low LOD version of a single door drame wall piece.
  • East Vauban Foothills: Updated the terrain by the lake to help accommodate players still on the ruins when they sink. SOTA-70066
  • Elysium Mines: Adjusted several ore nodes to improve pathing while mining them. SOTA-70138
  • February 2022 Login Reward: Heart-Shaped White & Gold Footstool
  • Fix: Fixed a bug in vendor items list window that were not showing the numbers of items sent to bank.
  • Fix: Fixed Lua functions ShroudUnsetMask and ShroudMinMaxSize which was always returning false. Also removed the transparency on panel when draging it around which caused problems while setting your own transparency on panels.
  • Fixed an error thrown when doing a “Get Direction” on vendor listing when scene has changed.
  • Fixed deco issue with Leather Flame Armor
  • Fixed deco issue with Triangle & Acara Shield
  • Fixed icon for ball of clay -adjusted block of clay icon brightnesss
  • Fixed icon for Ornate Wooden Hot Tub -increased contrast on hot tub icon
  • Fixed loot issues with 6 Wax Cylinders. Desolis I and II, Sands of Grunvald, and Into the Epitaph now drop properly in the Epitaph at a relatively small rate per creature. Solania now has a small chance to drop from the demon in Solania Catacombs. Kas Ruins now properly drops from the Lich Boss in Kas Ruins at a 100% rate.
  • Fixed storage item count on Celestian Commode
  • Frost giant should now give XPs to even a large party
  • Greyacre: Corrected the spawn-in orientation at the southwest entrance to face the road. SOTA-70098
  • Halls of Artifice: Fixed a typo in a trigger warning UI message. SOTA-70082
  • Improving horse hoof sounds. (Spoiler alert, they still are not good but now just less bad)
  • Jaanaford: Renamed the “Travel to Jaanaford” task to “Ask About Bonesteel in Jaanaford” and improved the logic which archives it. Also, improved the logic in Jenna Karttunen’s responses regarding bonesteel. SOTA-70081
  • Jaguar and Panther: Added to Forest Road Encounter in Novia (southwest), Hidden Vale, and Mistrendur. SOTA-70136
  • Jaguars and Panthers: Added new NPCs to Ravensmoor, Verdantis Shardfall, Norgard Fens, and Sawtooth Thicket. SOTA-70136
  • Jaguars, Snow Tiger, and Black panthers have started appearing in the wilderness.
  • K’rul: Increased the size of a certain doorway to ensure players could always pass through. SOTA-70125
  • Kingsroad: Adjusted some spawner locations and rates for better distribution. Overall, there should be one or two additional spiders, bears, and skeletons in the scene. Also, added ranged and caster skeletons, and a chance for a tier 2 wolf. More nightshade may spawn near the graveyard. Some garlic may spawn along the road.
  • Kingsroad: Fixed a broken spawner to stop build errors.
  • Kobold Expeditionary Camp: Updated the “Free Sir Patrick!” task to be more clear and correct regarding that task. SOTA-70145
  • Kobold Expeditionary Camp: Updated the logic used by the compass marker when doing the “Free Sir Patrick!” task. SOTA-70144
  • Large Cats now feature unique loot tables per cat type and size, and all wolf items have been removed from their loot tables.
  • Loot, 9 Ephemeral Relics were added to the game and will appear as extremely rare drops throughout the world of New Britannia. Ephemeral Relics are typically  more powerful than their crafted counter parts, but cannot be repaired and feature a small amount of durability. Use these relics wisely for important battles!
  • Malice: Updated the logic which archives the “Speak with Sequanna” task after completing the Path of Love.
  • Many female NPCs were incorrectly using a male or neuter voice, especially in the Perennial Coast area. This has now been corrected.
  • Massive and Legendary crocs will now have different stats.
  • Moonlight and Sunlight enchantment will now appear in the tooltip of the equipments.
  • Mounted head and rug trophy recipes for big cats -added bigCats head item componnet for recipes
  • Necropolis: Added a connection to the Midmaer Passage near the exit to Midras Ruins. SOTA-69908
  • New elf loot tables for Despair.
  • New Lua functions ShroudLoadSound(filePath, AudioType), ShroudListSound(), ShroudPlaySound, ShroudStopSound() and a new enum AudioType. Lua scripters now have 5 audio channel to play sounds on at once.More information can be found on the API Doc and a demo on will be shown on forum scripting section.
  • New lua functions ShroudOnPlayFX and ShroudStopFX which will give ability to lua scripter to stop an fx from being played. Look at the API doc for more information.
  • Northwest Blackblade Mountains: Adjusted how close NPCs can get to a certain exit volume. SOTA-70107
  • Novia: Moved the banners above Mud and the Naryad Moors to be above the treeline. SOTA-70097
  • Ore Nodes: Corrected the scaling on high-tier ore nodes.
  • Pet sheet will now be displaying dodge and magic resist.
  • Plains Road Encounter: Removed the”line-of-sight” conversation requirement from the merchants that appear after the boss wave, to help stop them from canceling conversations. SOTA-70147
  • Players will no longer get trapped with the fishies in the Lord of the Isle Aquarium dungeon room. SOTA-70104
  • Players will now be able to place a Dry Docked Huge Pirate Galeon (Keep sized home) on a Castle lot as well as a Keep lot. SOTA-69091
    port_pirate_galleon_town_playerHouse: Secret door sound effects are now located at the secret door.
  • POT Arx Draconis Lowlands: Upgraded to Town from Village. SOTA-70113
  • POT Moonglow: Added new Holdfast west of Fortus End. SOTA-70091
  • POT Rajazel: Upgraded to City from Town. SOTA-70089, SOTA-70088
  • POT Silverdale Market: Upgraded to City from Town. SOTA-70103, SOTA-70101
  • Previously, the new tall 5 story Town lot sized house would block decoration in some towns with higher elevation. This should now be fixed.
    Process Big Cats recipes -added carcasses for loot
  • R98 Reward: Heart-Shaped Console, Queen’s Sitting Room Set: Heart-Themed Coffetable, Heart-shaped end table, Heart-backed white & gold throne
  • Ravensmoor Player Dungeon Room Deco Surface fixed. SOTA-70135
  • Savrenoc Stronghold: Adjusted a location where NPCs would get stuck in a world object. SOTA-70099
  • Savrenoc Stronghold: Instead of the northeast and east entrance sharing one compass marker and entry point, these two are now split into two separate compass markers and entry points. (Players will continue to spawn by default into the same location, called East Entrance.) SOTA-70083
  • Seasonal Monsters: Changed the name of Krampus’s list to “Krampus’ List: Naughty Boys and Girls” to help players find it in their inventories.
  • Seasonal Monsters: Krampus has gone dormant until next year, while Envy Angel has returned to Necropolis Barrens. SOTA-68642
  • Set Ancient Essence to be valid ingredient for smelting
  • Set Standing stone deco recipes to be discoverable since they are re-teachable.
  • Several issues which could cause creatures to stop spawning in some scenes have been fixed. This was most common in cities.
  • Snow Tigers: Add new NPC to Snowy Tundra Encounters in Novia and Mistrendur, Vertas Pass, Brightbone Pass, and Jotungrund. SOTA-70136
  • Solace Bridge Outskirts: After finding the missing scout, the avatar will get a task to ask her about Ebon Dawn (to ensure a more obvious transition to the “disrupt ritual” quest). SOTA-70105
  • Solace Bridge Outskirts: Fixed typos in in the Deliver Bloody Bones journal entry, and another in Talk to First Memory of Three journal entry. SOTA-70109, SOTA-70108
  • Solace Bridge Outskirts: Moved a lantern than wasn’t working when looked at from certain distances and angles. SOTA-70065
  • Solania: Updated the logic used by Merriweather in her responses about Simone’s book quest. SOTA-70087
  • Soltown and other scenes: Corrected typo for “Town Crier” in teleport-to-zone lists. SOTA-70062
  • Soltown: Regenerated Arabella’s conversation components to help prevent “not found” error messages. SOTA-70146
  • Spectral Mines: Changed the archlapin bone quest items to be destroyable. SOTA-69429
  • Taming Frenzy finally has a unique icon!
  • The Breach: Adjusted the path grid to better accommodate the Blackened Clockwork Dragon. SOTA-70068
  • The various large cats in New Britannia now have a chance to drop Cat Claws, which can be utilized in a new potion recipe, the Potion of the Stalking Cat. This potion grants a small bonus to Rend, Sneak Attack, and when attacking from behind. This recipe is a somewhat rare drop from the elves in Despair.
  • Toned down Chaos Shield visuals to be less distracting
  • Updates to big cat stats to make adult, ferocious, and obsidian cats have different stats.
  • Upper Fortus: Fixed a typo in a letter found on a table in a building. SOTA-70096
  • Wyvern Eggs: Set “Merchant Availability” to “Not Available” to stop build errors.
  • Xenos: Updated the “Enter Artifice” journal entry to be more specific and to “Enter Halls of Artifice,” among other improvements. SOTA-70086
  • Known issue: Young Snow tigers appear orange (fixed patch 1)

Player Owned Town Updates:

  • Arx Draconis Lowlands: Upgraded to Town from Village.
  • Moonglow: Added Holdfast to Novia, west of Fortus End
  • Rajazel: Upgraded to City.
  • Silverdale Market: Upgraded to City.


February Login Reward: Heart-Shaped White & Gold Footstool!

Log in during the month of February, and you’ll receive a Heart-Shaped White & Gold Footstool! Be the envy of all your neighbors with this amazing piece!

Release 98 Subscriber Login Rewards: Ancient Xenossian Winged Plate Helm, Heart-Shaped Console, and Ornate Large White & Gold Heart-Backed Throne

These new heart-themed furniture items will also be featured in the Crown Shop in the new Queen’s Sitting Room Sets.

Avatars! Rewards Program login items for Release 98 are a must have — don’t miss out! This month’s collection includes the last of the Ancient Xenossian collectibles: The Winged Ancient Xenossian Helm. It also includes two new heart-themed furniture items: The Ornate Large White & Gold Heart-Backed Throne, as well as the Heart-shaped Console. Subscribers to the Reward Program must login during Release 98 to receive these special login items:The Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program lets you earn the best rate on purchasing Crowns, AND receive monthly reward items! For the low price of $9 USD per month you will receive the following:


  • 900 Crowns of the Obsidians every month
  • Monthly Login Reward Items (about 3 per month)
  • Exclusive Title every 3 months
    • 3 Months: Keeper of the Faith
    • 6 Months: Keeper of the Word
    • 9 Months: Keeper of the Vow
    • 12 Months: Keeper of the Flame
    • 15 Months: Keeper of the Oath
    • 18 Months: Keeper of the Pledge
    • 21 Months: Keeper of the Bond
    • 24 Months: Keeper of the Promise
    • 27 Months: Keeper of the Covenant
  • Pick any Dye 12-Pack every 6 months
  • Pick any three of these 7 Obsidian Potions every month:
    • Potion of Capacity: Increases carrying capacity
    • Potion of Conservation: Reduces reagent use chance
    • Potion of Expedience: Swift gathering on all gathering skills
    • Potion of Precision: Increases Meticulous Collection to all gathering skills
    • Potion of Preservation: Reduces armor and weapon damage
    • Potion of Reclamation: Increases Salvage and Repair to all production skills
    • Potion of Stamina: Decreases focus use from sprinting
  • While subscribed to the rewards program, players also receive these special bonuses:
    • Obsidian Potions are significantly more powerful!
    • 24 Additional Deck Slots!

Read more…

Play Release 97 Now! Lions, Lionesses & Tigers! Wyvern Eggs! UI Improvements!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

The Catnip Games development team now brings the players of Shroud of the Avatar another round of new content and improvements. For Release 97 (R97), players will experience a large variety of changes to the game. First off, large cats (lions and tigers) have been added, most of which can be tamed! Players will find these new creatures scattered through many scenes throughout New Britannia! Also, wyvern eggs have also been added as loot to the game. These eggs can be utilized as decorations or even used in a new cooking recipe! Further uses for these eggs will be added in the future.

For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Release 97 Patch Notes!

Below is a list of game changes and new content that are live as of Release 97 (R97). This release is a short release due to the holiday season, but we still managed to provide a considerable amount of new items and changes to keep everyone entertained. Additional content, improvements, and bug fixes are inbound for R98 next month. We hope you enjoy the changes that are live today as of Release 97! Happy holidays!

World, Quests, and Miscellaneous Changes:

  • Big cats have finally made their appearance in Novia: Lions and lionesses and tigers, oh my!
    • With the exception of one very rare, very powerful lion, all big cats can be tamed!
    • Lions and lionesses have chances to spawn in these locations:
      • Desert Encounter
      • Plains Encounter
      • Crag Foothills
      • Midras Ruins
      • Sequanna Colossus
      • Oracle Colossus
      • Elysian Ruins
      • Spectral Peaks
    • Tigers have chances to spawn in these locations:
      • Forest Road Encounter
      • Swamp Road Encounter
      • East Veiled Swamp
      • Far Hinterlands
      • East Longfall Wetland
      • Kas Ruins
      • Twins Foothills
      • The Fall
  • Aerie: Improved the logic for “help” responses by both Devotional Caretakers.
  • Ardoris: Improved the logic for archiving the “Meet with Khasi” and “Meet with Siranto” tasks for avatars if Min is defeated before these tasks are completed.
  • Ardoris: Merchant Guildmaster Cai Lau now always has the “Sheng Lau” keyword available to ensure all localized versions have access to that keyword.
  • Blood Bay: Removed the chances that the ebb and flow of lava will block lava fishing at both volcanoes.
  • Blood River Outskirts: The “Ask Phineas for Poison” compass marker should never appear after the Phineas Drumplemouth questline is complete.
  • Castle Atos: The shrine buff will now work correctly when 1-3 players are in scene.
  • Castle Atos: Several stuck spots have been fixed.
  • Castle Atos: Player’s should no longer appear to fall when exiting to Novia.
  • Castle Atos: The scene has received a number of new decorations, to include a piano in the tavern, toilets, and benches.
  • Castle Atos: Now features an interactive well to obtain water.
  • Castle Atos: Now features a seasonal Yule tree in the plaza.
  • Castle Atos: Mage of Mystery Quang has replaced Divum.
  • Castle Atos: Blocked the underside of a staircase from view.
  • Castle Atos: The chef daily quest at Castle Atos now provides more varied and increased rewards, to include the very occasional wyvern egg.
  • Castle Atos: The Shrine will now grant the blessing again if the buff was cancelled and the shrine reentered.
  • Caverns of Skrekk: Added/updated props of some buildings near the palace.
  • Central Brittany: Reactivated the Krampus quest given by Kinga and Ronin.
  • Central Brittany: Updated some parts of Arabella’s trivial responses.
  • Control Points: “Mages of Mystery” in all control points have lowered their teleportation fees. Crossing to the opposite side of the same control point is now 15 gold, while teleporting to a different control point is 50 gold. (Those worthy of being teleported to the Manor of Mystery is still free.)
  • Desert Encounter: The sculptor merchants that sometimes spawn in these scenes will now always be humanoid.
  • Despair:  Several visual glitches have been fixed.
  • Estgard: Improved “safety” logic that archives the “Convince Knight in Estgard” tasks when players complete the Path of Courage.
  • Forest Encounters with Unicorns: Fixed an issue that cause the “great threat” message to appear prematurely.
  • Graff Gem Mines: Adjusted the location for a skeleton that was spawning halfway into a wall.
  • Halls of Artifice: The “spike cage” room mechanics have been updated to include a trigger warning and two very visible locks. One of these locks replaces the hidden pressure plate and it’s disastrous results. The avatar can now make a mildly-informed choice as to which lock to use. Also, two children in a cage in a different room have been replaced by two adults.
  • Hills Encounter: Updated the path grid to help stop a certain wolf from leashing sometimes.
  • Hilt Fortress: Fixed a stuck spot in the Obsidian Forge area.
  • Jaanaford: Updated the logic which displays the compass markers related to the Broken Echoes Silver Mine’s foreman.
  • Jotungrund: Assigned lower LOD meshes to rock mesh colliders to allow for easier access to particular resource nodes.
  • Jotungrund: Avatars that were told by Wymond about his bone chips quest but didn’t accept it should now be able to do so.
  • Jotungrund: Several “stuck” spots have been fixed and several floating boulders fixed.
  • K’rul: Fixed a stuck spot in a gazebo.
  • K’rul: Moved large automatons out of small rooms. Added props to an empty shed.
  • Lord British’s Castle: Fixed an issue where a secret door wasn’t opening.
  • Manor of Mystery: Moved floating mandrake roots to the ground, removed candles on the floor near a building entrance, and shifted the pink-purple cloth on the return teleporter disc to purple.
  • Manor of Mystery: Removed redundant mages. Moved floating mandrake to the ground. Avatars with the “incorrect reputation” in the manor may find the mages will notice this and teleport them away.
  • Manor of Mystery: Some mages of mystery referred to the old price of 500 gold for passage. They now know to only ask for 50 gold.
  • Mysterious Swamp: The rare Spawn of Sobek, T15 crocodile is now tameable!
  • Nightshade Pass: Moved a small floating rock to the ground.
  • Oracle Temple: Improved the logic that dismisses the “Find the Cerulean Lens” compass marker.
  • Overworld: The default option for new players will be to show town names in non-runic letters.
  • Player-Run Towns: These towns have received a minimal complement of NPCs and crafting stations near their default entrances, and all Player-Run Towns allow for POT only deeds to be utilized:
    • Aldhaven
    • Estercove
    • Greyacre
    • Highiron
    • Holtrot
    • Kingswood
    • Lochfield
    • Northshire
    • Owl’s Wash
    • Port Mirren
    • Ravensend
    • Redmill
    • Righ Inis
    • Shadowmist
    • The Brave Coast
    • Valemark
    • Westhollow
  • Player Villages: All “player village” scenes have been reclassified as Player-Run Towns which enables placement of POT only deeds within their borders.
  • POT Forest 01b template: Removed anomalous world objects.
  • Serpent’s Spine Foothills: Squirrels now have a chance to spawn instead of rabbits.
  • Shaminian Hills: Adjusted the mechanics of the magical elevator to help ensure the crystal receptacle stays in the proper state. Added a “Reset Platform” button near the top of the elevator for situations where the receptacle might still go out of sync.
  • Skrekk: Added/updated decorations within some buildings.
  • Skrekk: Updated the compass marker for “Caverns of Skrekk” to read as such.
  • Solace Bridge Outskirts: Avatars cannot use the “skip conversation with merchants” option for Ackerley’s until after they finish his quests.
  • Soltown: Stanley now has small quests that point players to Arabella in Soltown and Baozhai the guard in Castle Atos.
  • South Majestic Forest: Fixed typos in CBY-60053’s responses about the virtues.
  • Spite: Fixed the icons for several compass marker discoveries, including the Moratorium.
  • The Outlaws’ Run: Fixed a typo in Miloslava’s “stone” response.
  • The Outlaws’ Run: Moved floating roots to the ground.
  • The Outlaws’ Run: Fixed typos in “Tell Guard About Mlroslava” journal entries.
  • The Rise: Fixed decoration issues in one room.
  • Valhold: New avatars who don’t meet the requirements cannot access the interior of Valhold Palace.
  • Vertas: Improved the response and journal from Kiakis regarding his suggestion of going through Vertas Pass to Jaanaford.
  • Petrified Dragon Eggs on store now come in 3 packs.
  • The Saddle and Bags with Stand decoration item is now called Saddlebags with Stand since there is no saddle present on the item.

Crafting, Decoration, & Inventory Item Changes:

  • Wyvern Eggs and a related food recipe are now available:
    • These eggs have a small chance to drop from wyverns, with higher tier wyverns having greater chances.
    • Elves in Savrenoc Stronghold now have a small chance to drop a Wyvern Egg Salad recipe, which increases a character’s Song Duration by an additional 25% for 2 hours.
    • These eggs can also be placed as decorations.
    • More recipes for these food components are coming soon!
    • Soon, the Castle Atos storehouse containers will accept wyvern eggs as the uncommon crate item, so hold on to your extras!
  • Mimic Pets can now sit and dance!
  • Spider room recipes to include the spawned version are now available.
  • A pedestal to enable spawns has been added to the Hilt Spider Room with Spawns.
  • The Hilt Spider Room Pristine now features improved decoration surfaces.
  • Fixed typos in the Acaran Gauntlet upgrade recipe display names.
  • Celestian Sofa is now dyeable in primary slot.
  • The Bottle of Wine and Elven Bottle of Wine can be rotated on an additional axis.
  • Lava pool decorations will no longer damage players when dragged over a player in decoration placement mode.
  • Mounts that are locked in inventory can once again be used.
  • The Ravensmoor teleporter steps now feature improved collision and no longer require players to jump to ascend the steps.
  • Streamer bundles now have a unique color (purple) compared to other supply bundles when placed as a decoration.
  • The 2021 Extra Live cloak will now correctly salvage to the 2021 pattern instead of the 2017 pattern.
  • The Antique Shop now features improved decoration surfaces.
  • The Labrys Axe pattern now has the proper display name.

Combat & Skill Changes:

  • Ardoris Arena: Ardoris arena now has skill caps, level caps, and a 75% reduction in stats provided by gear.
  • Players who are flagged for open world PvP or in a PvP scene now receive a 5-second resurrection debuff instead of a 15-second debuff.
  • Lightning Storm:
    • Fixed an issue which caused lightning storm to stun excessively by ignoring crowd control resistance effects.
    • Now fizzles as intended.
    • Now applies aggro properly to the caster.
    • Lightning Storm can no longer be parried.
    • Lightning Storm now properly consumes the listed reagents.
  • Cone of Cold will now use fewer reagents.
  • Summoning spells should now level more quickly.
  • The rate at which many mobs parry has been dramatically reduced.
  • A number of potions no longer erroneously expire when a player dies.
  • Summoning spells should now level more quickly.

Player Economy, Rewards, & Loot Changes:

  • Castle Atos now features unique freshwater fishing loot tables! The first unique item, which is a rare drop, is a Floating Barrel (Flotsam). Use this barrel as a water decoration in your Player-Owned Towns or on your water lot properties. Players can also open the barrel (which destroys it) to receive a considerable amount of Elven Brandy, Satyr Spirits, or Kobold Spirits.
  • Mustard seeds are now available on various cooking merchants throughout New Britannia, which is one of the ingredients for Wyvern Egg Salad.
  • Streamer Bundles are available by request for highly active streamers to provide as prizes. The Player Livestreams & Videos forum will be updated soon with a thread to provide qualification information. Streamer bundles now only provide no-trade items.
  • The Delicate Feather of the Phoenix now drops for players without the phoenix feather quest.

User Interface, Lua, & Performance Changes:

  • Player health bars are now MOVEABLE! This option can be enabled in the options menu, which is set to “off” by default.
  • The player dungeon UI has received a significant update. Now, players may select dungeon pieces from their inventory while the dungeon piece selection UI is open.
  • A new option in the options menu has been added which allows players to be mounted automatically upon scene load, which is set to “off” by default.
  • The inventory search bar filter has been improved. Now, search results also consider the original name for a renamed item.
  • Fixed an issue which caused the scene to reload repeatedly, and logging has been improved to help analyze future related bugs.
  • Fixed an issue which caused the Lua object ID to change when a previously created object was destroyed.
  • The Lua function ShroudOnSceneLoaded() will now execute only once after all the game objects are fully loaded.
  • Additional Lua changes, fixes, and additions are now live. Documentation with updates can be found here.
  • The chat window no longer changes a private message target when the intended private message target has logged off.

Player-Owned Town Changes:

  • Duanor: Upgraded to Town.
  • Greymorn: Upgraded to Hamlet.
  • Hawker’s Retreat: Added new holdfast to Hidden Vale, northeast of Wynton’s Folly.
  • Jade Mountains: Upgraded to Hamlet.
  • Jade Valley: Upgraded to Megalopolis.
  • Norstead: Moved to Novia, southwest of Estgard.
  • Reverie: Upgraded to Town from Crossroads Village.
  • Wolves Den: Upgraded to Crossroads Village.

Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

The weekly Community Livestream is Friday, December 17th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Chris “Atos” Spears and other members of the development team for a community 1-hour livestream!

To enter the prize drawings, type “happy holidays” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website Add-On Store.

Please submit questions using in-game universal chat by typing “askadev” before your question. We’ll do our best to answer these questions live on the stream, and we’ll even be periodically posting answers to some unanswered questions in the forums each month. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4PM CT!

Atos and other members of the Shroud of the Avatar development team go live very frequently on — be sure to get the channel on follow for notifications so you can join us right as we go live! Also, if you’ve missed our latest streams, check out our archive of content at our YouTube Channel. Like! Follow! Subscribe! Prizes!!!

Don’t forget to also join the Shroud of the Avatar team and community over at all our social media venues:

Crown Store: New Town-Sized Home, Enchanted Wyvern Eggs & More!

Many new store items are coming your way in the month ahead! Keep an eye out each week as the following items become available in the in-game Crown Store. Available today on December 16th, a new town-sized house! This 5-story home not only features a widow’s walk, but also veranda on the 4th floor.

  • Stone Five-Story w/ Veranda (Town Home)

Becoming available on December 24th, Enchanted Wyvern Eggs! Added this release are 8 smaller versions which drop as loot throughout New Britannia, but players can also acquire these store versions which are larger AND glow in the dark!

  • Enchanted Black Wyvern Egg 3-Pack
  • Enchanted Blue Wyvern Egg 3-Pack
  • Enchanted Green Wyvern Egg 3-Pack
  • Enchanted Orange Wyvern Egg 3-Pack
  • Enchanted Purple Wyvern Egg 3-Pack
  • Enchanted Red Wyvern Egg 3-Pack
  • Enchanted White Wyvern Egg 3-Pack
  • Enchanted Yellow Wyvern Egg 3-Pack

Becoming available on December 31st, a gorgeous semicircle display table! Time to redesign your bar and merchant areas, because this item is a MUST have:

  • Ornate Wooden Semicircle Display Table

Becoming permanent year-round store entries, these 30 prior seasonal items from the winter recurring and vault sections of the store will remain on the store after the winter season ends on February 8th:

  • Breathe Blue Fire Emote
  • Breathe Emote 6-Pack
  • Breathe Snow Emote
  • Fountain of Frozen Waters
  • Frost Pipe
  • Frozen Bagpipes
  • Ice Elemental Statue
  • Ice Hot Tub
  • Ice Nightmare Mask
  • Ice Wings
  • Icy Ancient Stone Cathedral
  • Icy Ancient Stone Room Fishing Grotto
  • Juggle Snowballs Emote
  • Reindeer Decoration Pet
  • Snow Emote
  • Snowflake Pattern Cloak
  • Virtue Ice Crown
  • Virtue Ice Gown Outfit
  • Virtue Ice Shield
  • Virtue Ice Sword
  • Virtue Ice Wand
  • Virtue Icicle Cloak
  • White Raven Decoration Pet
  • White Reindeer Decoration Pet
  • White Rottweiler Decoration Pet
  • White Squirrel Decoration Pet
  • Winter Lynx Decoration Pet
  • Winter Pattern Glass Chandelier 3-Pack
  • Winter Pattern Glass Floor Lamp 3-Pack
  • Winter Pattern Glass Table Lamp 3-Pack

Also, the Winter Seasonal are still available! Here’s a listing of all of these seasonal items. Some will feature only for 1 week in the Vault, but others will remain in the store throughout the holiday season, so don’t miss out! Winter items will be available until February 8th:

  • 2016 Winter Holiday Soundtrack
  • Blank Yule Card 2017 5-Pack
  • Blank Yule Card 2018 5-Pack
  • Blank Yule Card 2020 A 5-Pack
  • Blank Yule Card 2020 B 5-Pack
  • Candy Cane Wand
  • Ceiling Yule Tree
  • Dark Yule Outfit
  • Giant Haunted Yule Tree
  • Giant Yule Tree 2015
  • Giant Yule Tree 2016
  • Giant Yule Tree 2017
  • Giant Yule Tree 2018
  • Haunted Sleigh
  • Haunted Snow Family
  • Haunted Snowman Mask
  • Haunted Yule Tree
  • Holly Wreath with Candles Hat
  • Holly Wreath with Sparklers Hat
  • Krampus Mask
  • Krampus Statue
  • Kwanzaa Table Decorations
  • Large Haunted Yule Tree
  • Large Yule Tree 2016
  • Large Yule Tree 2017
  • Large Yule Tree 2018
  • Menorah 2014
  • Menorah 2015
  • Menorah 2016
  • Menorah 2017
  • Menorah 2018
  • Menorah 2020
  • Menorah 2021
  • Ornate Mantle Garland 2017 12-Pack
  • Ornate Mantle Garland 2018 12-Pack
  • Ornate Replenishing Snowball Box 2014
  • Ornate Replenishing Snowball Box 2015
  • Ornate Replenishing Snowball Box 2016
  • Ornate Sled
  • Ornate Sleigh
  • Ornate Snow Family 2015
  • Ornate Snow Family 2016
  • Ornate Snow Family 2017
  • Ornate Snow Family 2018
  • Ornate Wall Garland 2017 12-Pack
  • Ornate Wall Garland 2018 12-Pack
  • Ornate Yule Music Box
  • Ornate Yule Wreath 2015
  • Ornate Yule Wreath 2016 3-Pack
  • Ornate Yule Wreath 2017 3-Pack
  • Ornate Yule Wreath 2018 3-Pack
  • Red-Nosed Reindeer Mount
  • Small Ornate Wall Garland 2017 12-Pack
  • Small Ornate Wall Garland 2018 12-Pack
  • Snow Globe 2020
  • Snowdragon
  • Snowflake Pattern Cloak
  • Snowman Mask 2015
  • Snowman Mask with Hat & Moustache 2018
  • Snowman Mask with Stovepipe Hat 2016
  • Snowman Mask with Stovepipe Hat 2017
  • Tabletop Elf Statue with Yule Hat
  • Tabletop Haunted Yule Tree
  • Tabletop Yule Tree 2014
  • Tabletop Yule Tree 2015
  • Tabletop Yule Tree 2016
  • Tabletop Yule Tree 2017
  • Tabletop Yule Tree 2018
  • Traditional Yule Hat
  • Yule Elf Outfit
  • Yule Gift Box 2016 3-Pack
  • Yule Gift Box 2017 3-Pack
  • Yule Gift Box 2018 3-Pack
  • Yule Gift Box 2020 3-Pack
  • Yule Gift Box 2021 3-Pack
  • Yule Hat
  • Yule Stockings 2016 3-Pack
  • Yule Stockings 2017 3-Pack
  • Yule Stockings 2018 3-Pack
  • Yule Stockings 2020 3-Pack
  • Yule Stockings 2021 3-Pack
  • Yule Tree 2014
  • Yule Tree 2015
  • Yule Tree 2016
  • Yule Tree 2017
  • Yule Tree 2018
  • Yule Velvet Bodice Ensemble

Don’t forget! Hometown is an amazing resource for players. At Hometown, which is located just east of Soltown, players can examine available houses, Player-Owned Town templates, and even new Crown Store items. Why not be certain you like it before you make a purchase? So head on over to Hometown and check things out! If you have questions about what’s on display in Hometown, please visit this forum thread and post a question.

To see a full listing of all the items which rotate through the Vault, we have prepared a forum post showing all items which could appear throughout the year!

January Login Reward: Caduceus Wand!

Log in during the month of December, and you’ll receive an Ancient Xenossian Caduceus Wand! Show your enemies you mean business by wielding this intricately designed magical item.

Release 97 Subscriber Login Rewards: Caduceus Staff & Lion Cub Decoration Pet!

Avatars! Rewards Program login items for Release 97 are a must have — don’t miss out! This month’s collection adds another item to the Ancient Xenossian set and more! The Ancient Xenossian Caduceus Staff adds yet another style to available staves, and this staff is simply amazing! The intricate metal work along the staff’s head truly draws the eye. For those excited about the new lion and tiger creatures added to the game this release, you’ll be even more excited to hear you’ll be receiving a Lion Cub Decoration Pet as a subscriber login reward. This little fella is a cutie! Subscribers to the Reward Program must login during Release 97 to receive these special login items:

  • Ancient Xenossian Caduceus Staff
  • Lion Cub Decoration Pet

The Shroud of the Avatar Rewards Program lets you earn the best rate on purchasing Crowns, AND receive monthly reward items! For the low price of $9 USD per month you will receive the following:

  • 900 Crowns of the Obsidians every month
  • Monthly Login Reward Items (about 3 per month)
  • Exclusive Title every 3 months
    • 3 Months: Keeper of the Faith
    • 6 Months: Keeper of the Word
    • 9 Months: Keeper of the Vow
    • 12 Months: Keeper of the Flame
    • 15 Months: Keeper of the Oath
    • 18 Months: Keeper of the Pledge
    • 21 Months: Keeper of the Bond
    • 24 Months: Keeper of the Promise
    • 27 Months: Keeper of the Covenant
  • Pick any Dye 12-Pack every 6 months
  • Pick any three of these 7 Obsidian Potions every month:
    • Potion of Capacity: Increases carrying capacity
    • Potion of Conservation: Reduces reagent use chance
    • Potion of Expedience: Swift gathering on all gathering skills
    • Potion of Precision: Increases Meticulous Collection to all gathering skills
    • Potion of Preservation: Reduces armor and weapon damage
    • Potion of Reclamation: Increases Salvage and Repair to all production skills
    • Potion of Stamina: Decreases focus use from sprinting
  • While subscribed to the rewards program, players also receive these special bonuses:
    • Obsidian Potions are significantly more powerful!
    • 24 Additional Deck Slots!

Read more…

Thanksgiving Sales Event!

Happy Thanksgiving! In observance of the holiday, various rewards and sales have begun:

All these sale & reward items will last until Monday, December 6th at Noon CT, so don’t miss out! Happy shopping, Avatars!