Memorial Day Remembrance



Today is Memorial Day, and we at Portalarium take this day to pause from our normal work routines, to remember all the men and women, here and abroad, that have sacrificed their lives in military service protecting the lives, and the futures, of all our loved ones.

We are leaving Release 6 open the rest of today. And as Starr Long said in his forum post last night:Enjoy yourselves but also please take a moment to honor those who have fallen.

(click here for more complete instructions on downloading and playing Release 6)

The Mad Hermit’s Video Guide to Pre-Alpha Release 6

SotA community member, The Mad Hermit, created another great how-to video for Release 6, “The Mad Hermit’s Guide to Pre-Alpha R6” highlighting the visual polish (lighting, bump mapping, character anims), new homes, and other features. It’s another “must see”, so take a few minutes, crank the video quality up to HD, and let The Mad Hermit give you a tour through Release 6:

Community R6 Screen Captures

Be sure and check out the awesome screen shots (like the one below) that Players have posted in the forum showcasing the visual enhancements in Release 6.


Hurry and join us in playing Shroud of the Avatar while Release 6 access is open!  We need all your help with testing the new patches, putting more stress on our multiplayer servers, and testing the new game content, so please join us in playing Release 6.

If you have not backed the game yet, you will need to register and login at, select the “Pledge or Send Gift!” button in the right side-bar, and purchase a pledge at the $45 Adventurer level or above. For a limited time, you can get the Adventurer pledge for only $25 with the Alienware Pledge Upgrade Coupon (see details below).

(click here for more complete instructions on downloading and playing Release 6)


Alienware Sponsors $20 Pledge Upgrade Coupon

Alienware’s powerful gaming rigs are a perfect match for Shroud of the Avatar! To show their support, Alienware is sponsoring $20 SotA Pledge Upgrade Coupons to members of their Alienware Arena community!

These coupons can be used to start a SotA pledge account (for new backers), or to add $20 to an existing pledge account. If, for example, you have a $90 Royal Artisan Pledge, you can use the Alienware coupon to bump you up to a $110 Virtual Collector Pledge.

Pretty sweet deal, right? So, hurry over to the Alienware Arena website and get your $20 Pledge Upgrade Coupon now!

[NOTE: Only one Alienware Pledge Upgrade Coupon can be used per account. Coupon does not apply to Add-On Store items]


  1. Duke Nova Kane ( J Grela)

    My thanks to you all for the Memorial Day Thoughts! And also for the great work you all have been doing!

    Jeff Grela

  2. Blood0menBlood0men

    One Proud salute to All those whom are defending and protecting our Freedoms as well those who have fallen.

  3. SanctimoniaSanctimonia

    From someone who doesn’t believe in an afterlife, it’s a damn shame so many have had to sacrifice their lives to defend those of others. Here’s to a day when that degree of selflessness is no longer needed. Until then, thanks to everyone who’s stepped up to the plate to maintain the bonds of civilization.

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