Sojourner Avatars: A Hangout with Richard Garriott (Lord British) and the Hickmans


SotAspecial1_thumbShroud of the Avatar is excited to announce a very special offer to celebrate the final 24 hours of Tracy and Laura Hickman’s Sojourner Tales Kickstarter (and to show how determined we are to get to the $55,00 Stretch goal)! We are going to award each and every Shroud of the Avatar Adventurer* backer who also pledges to Sojourner Tales at the $20 and above level a UNIQUE Sojourner themed in-game item.
*Adventurer Tier is $40 for Founders, $45 for Benefactors.

Have you already backed Tracy Hickman’s Kickstarter?  If not, you only have a few more days to do so!  Please help him reach the $55,000 stretch goal… a special trilogy of adventures penned by Tracy Hickman and Richard Garroitt!  We all here at Shroud of the Avatar can’t wait to play it!



  1. LemmingOfEvilLemmingOfEvil

    Well, you’ve convinced me to throw in my bit, and happily so. Too bad I don’t have the $15k+ to throw in that it deserves.

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