
48 Hour Scene Challenge is ON

Sorry for the connection problems, but hopefully we have things a bit more under control now!

Our first Scene Jam Challenge is live and you can get all the gritty details here:


You can also view the dead sexy video of Starr and Chris describing the challenge here:

Hopefully the server and net storm has passed and we’ll be online all weekend to help get things back on track!  You can keep up with everything on the forums here: https://shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/scene-creation-central.3362/#post-53629



New Website Visuals

Hello Everyone,

We just launched a new visual style for the website. We wanted a cleaner look than we had before but still felt in the world of Shroud which is why we chose the parchment over stone look you now see. More improvements to the website will be coming over the next few weeks. Enjoy!



Challenge of the Avatar ~ 48-Hour Shroud of the Avatar Unity Scene Jam, Over $10,000 in Prizes!

SceneJamThe Shroud of the Avatar has been involving fans in the creation of the game since the start of the project. Now we’re giving you a chance to contribute in a whole different way!  On September 20th at 6PM CST (UTC-6), we will kicking off the first in a series of Shroud of the Avatar Unity Scene Jams!

Before we dive into the details of what it is, let me tell you why you should keep reading.  The overall winner receives:

Interested?  We thought you might be! For all the details, head on over to the 48-Hour Scene Creation Challenge of the Avatar contest page!


Community Spotlight ~ NovaGamer

Shroud of the Avatar is blessed to have such an amazing, supportive Communuity, and this week’s Community Spotlight is proof of the selfless generosity that runs deep in so many of our backers. I am delighted to tell you about our friends at NovaGamer and their Extra Life campaign.



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Update of the Avatar #39 – 09/13/13: Knight’s Home, Village Property Deeds, and the Unity Scene Jam!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Welcome to another edition of Update of the Avatar! We know it’s only been a couple days since the last update, but we have some cool stuff to share and are too excited to wait! As a continuation of our Parade of Homes we initiated with the Village Home Edition in Update #37, we are showcasing the Founder Knight Village Home, as well as the availability of a limited quantity of Village Lot Property Deeds in the Add-On Store! We also have the latest news about the Shroud of the Avatar Unity Scene Jam!

Founder Knight Village Home

Here is our unique, upscale, Founder Knight Village home, only available to Founders (included as a reward in the Knight level pledge). A two-story dwelling, with a split-level roof deck:


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Update of the Avatar #38 – 09/11/13: More Avatar Goodies, Edelmann House Poll, Tracy Hickman’s Sojourner Tales, & Changes to the Updates!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

More cool stuff to share with you this update, including Geoff Mellon’s revamping of the male avatar outfit, Bren Wilson putting some moves on the avatar attacks, the Edelmann House Poll, Tracy Hickman’s awesome Sojourner Tales Kickstarter campaign, and changes to how project updates are being shared.

Avatars in Motion

Bren Wilson (animator) has been hard at work adding more animations to our latest male avatar! Here is a video of his new axe attack animation:

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