
Hangout of the Avatar ~ Community Panel ~ Ultima Dragons

Please join Richard “Lord British” Garriott and FireLotus as they host the first of a new kind of hangout… the Community Hangout of the Avatar!  Today at 5 pm CST, a panel from the Ultima Dragons will sit down with Richard and chat about Shroud of the Avatar’s development.

Update of the Avatar #48 – 11/15/13: Scene Jam & Recruit-A-Friend Winners, Skills Design, Windmill Home, Basements, Taming Turkey Call, and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

We have another fun-filled edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • Unity Scene Jam Grand Prize Winners
  • Recruit-A-Friend Winners
  • Story Sneak Peek #6 & Map Reveal
  • Magic, Combat, and Crafting Skills Design
  • Thanksgiving Specials: Taming Turkey Call & Cornucopia
  • Windmill Village Home
  • Village Mine Basements
  • Movember: Shroud of the Mustache

Unity Scene Jam Grand Prize Winners!


[Chris Spears narrates a walk-thru of the Scene Jam Grand Prize Winner]

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Update of the Avatar #46 – 11/01/13: Six Month Progress Video, Story Sneak Peek, Founder Starter Shield, Fishing Pole of Prosperity and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

We have some great stuff for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • Six Month Progress Video
  • Story Sneak Peeks
  • Founder Adventurer Starter Shield
  • Fishing Pole of Prosperity
  • Our Final Unity Scene Jam (#4)
  • Recruit-A-Friend Promotion

Six Month Progress Video!

[Lord British Narrates the Six Month Progress Video]

It’s been a little over three months since we released our 3 Month progress video, and we’re excited to share the progress we’ve made since then. We encourage you to set your playback quality to HD, switch to full-screen, and enjoy our six month progress video, narrated by Richard “Lord British” Garriott!

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Scene Jam IV

The story for this final Scene Jam is…up to you!

For this Scene Jam, you’ll pick any piece of Stephen’s concept art, create it in Unity, and tell the rest of the story. Show us what lies beyond that mouth to the cave, what is behind those ruined castle walls, or what lies deeper into that forest. Scoring will be based 1/3rd on how well are able to capture the essence of the original concept and 2/3rds on scene you create beyond the concept.

The first three Scene Jams have prepared you and now the reins are off. While there are some guide lines and rules below, remember to have fun and be creative! Go forth and create awesomeness!  Here are the 10 concepts you have to choose from:

idea_hills_043-color SotA Lavafield SotA_dragonboneThrone SotA Enchanted Forest

SotA: The Keep SotA: Skull Island SotA Forgotten Desert SotA_Oracle_Swamp_concept

SotA  Underworld SotA Concept At - Mountain Pass

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