
Release 16 Instructions

[A SotA Public Forum post by Starr Long]


Greetings Avatars,

Thank you to our loyal backers of Shroud of the Avatar. Release 16 access for all backers at First Responder level and above begins this Thursday, March 26 at 10:30 AM Central Time (16:30 UTC).

This access also includes anyone who signed up for free access to the first weekend via GDC and SXSW. Please note that everything you need to play is here (or linked from here). You will NOT receive a special code nor is a Steam key, your account activated via the email address that you signed up with.

Please read this entire message, as well as the linked instructions and known issues.

We are far from launch and in a constant state of change, and we do not yet have in-game systems to inform players of these changes, or to share ways to help them to explore new content and systems. This means we rely entirely on this message, and the linked instructions and known issues to convey the current game state. We regularly have to answer questions or filter bug reports, because players elect not to read this valuable information. By taking a few moments to read through this information, a great deal of our time and efforts can be redirected to focus on new “unanswered” questions, and addressing critical issues impacting each release. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to review this post, and for all the truly valuable feedback you continue to provide.

Unity5_logoWhile I am proud of how much we accomplished with our last release, at the same time I am chagrined that the cost of that ambition was an overall decrease in the enjoyability of the game. We did move over to Unity 5 (which was a HUGE accomplishment) but we only got partially there and that transitional state caused bad performance and some less than stellar visual results. We also moved the players over to Novia for the first time, but we failed to balance the first region, Perennial Coast, for new players. For all of that we are very sorry and we will work to do better. We promise to pay closer attention to balancing forward progress with playability.

Release 16 (and 17) has had to be our repayment of the debt we incurred with Release 15 (tech debt is a term often used in our industry). That means that we were unable to deliver quite as much content as we had hoped, but we do feel the game will be in a stronger state because of our focus on playability. We still made time to include some cool new things for you to play with though, including shield bashing skeletons that just will not die and the sprawling narrative of the Necropolis!

I will be posting a Q2 Schedule by the end of this week so stay tuned for more information about what comes next.

Also, remember that while we are providing new content with each release, our community is working overtime to make new events for you to enjoy, so be sure to check out a couple of the Community Events Calendars run by our community members (via in game book or the player run websites Avatars Circle Community Events and Events of the Avatars calendar).

Without further ado, here are the R16 deliverables.

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Update of the Avatar #117 – 2015.03.20: SotA Community App, More 2015 Top Lists, SotA at SXSW, Help Name SotA’s Streets, UO Postmortem Keynote, and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • SotA Community App for iOS and Android
  • SotA on More 2015 Most Anticipated Lists
  • SotA at SXSW
  • Lord British and Lord Blackthorn Keynote CGF2015: Ultima Online Post Mortem
  • Help Name SotA’s Streets
  • Abe’s Overworld Work-in-Progress
  • Player Owned Town Price Changes
  • Player Bank Upgrades
  • In-game Community Weekend Events
  • Kickstarter Shout-Outs
  • Receiving Pledge Rewards and Add-On Items
  • Changes to Store Credit Conversions
  • Steam Access Keys Available for All Backers
  • How to Cancel Monthly Layaway Payment Plans
  • This Week In The News
  • Upcoming Events


SotA Community App for iOS and Android

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Update of the Avatar #116 – 2015.03.13: R15 Postmortem with Tracy Hickman, SotA Chroma Support at GDC, SotA at SXSW, Player Owned Towns Update, White Lepus Mask, Kickstarter Reboots, and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • R15 Postmortem with Special Guest Tracy Hickman
  • SotA Shows Razer Chroma Support at GDC
  • SotA at SXSW
  • Player Owned Towns Update: Scope, NPC Buildings, Icons, etc.
  • Abe’s Overworld Work-in-Progress
  • White Lepus Mask
  • Kickstarter Shout-Outs
  • In-game Community Weekend Events
  • The Shape of Things to Come Competition
  • Receiving Pledge Rewards and Add-On Items
  • Changes to Store Credit Conversions
  • Steam Access Keys Available for All Backers
  • How to Cancel Monthly Layaway Payment Plans
  • This Week In The News
  • Upcoming Events


Tracy Hickman’s first visit to Portalarium Studios in Austin for SXSW and R15 Postmortem

Hangout of the Avatar ~ Release 15 Postmortem with Tracy Hickman

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Hangout of the Avatar ~ Release 15 Postmortem

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Thou hast been invited to the Release 15 Postmortem!

wedding shot

Please join us Friday, March 13th at 3:00 PM Central (20:00 GMT) for our next Hangout of the Avatar! Richard, Starr, and Chris will be chatting about Release 15, recounting their favorite moments while also looking ahead to Release 16. And as usual, Fire Lotus will be taking your questions and feedback live in the chat-room and also in advance right here in the comments section.*

*Please keep in mind that questions and feedback related to Release specific topics will be given priority and really verbose questions may be skipped, as they can be a challenge to shorten and summarize live on the air.  In brief… please keep your questions… brief.  ;)

We will be giving some really awesome prizes during the 90 minute extended Hangout, and all you have to do to qualify for one is to come hang out with us in the IRC chatroom during the broadcast.  The link to the hangout will be posted here directly before the hangout begins.

UPDATE: We will have a special guest for this hangout! Our very own Tracy Hickman will be joining us!

Update of the Avatar #115 – 2015.03.06: Community Decoration Contests, Black Lepus Mask, Abe’s Overworld, Underworld 143% Funded, Crowfall Passes $1M, and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • Community Sponsored Decoration Contest
  • Abe’s Overworld Work-in-Progress
  • Release 16 Grand Tour Quest Reward: Black Lepus Mask
  • Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter Raises 143% of Goal!
  • Crowfall Kickstarter Passes $1 Million Stretch Goal!
  • In-game Community Weekend Events
  • Sir Frank’s Writing Contest (with Prizes!)
  • Receiving Pledge Rewards and Add-On Items
  • Changes to Store Credit Conversions
  • Steam Access Keys Available for All Backers
  • How to Cancel Monthly Layaway Payment Plans
  • This Week In The News
  • Upcoming Events

Community Sponsored Decoration Contest

Last month, community member Athanil sponsored a Release 14 Decoration Contest that 28 people participated in! Community member Lollie coordinated a tour of all the competing homes with the contestants hosting a walk-thru and describing their decorating efforts. The winners were determined by the participants voting on each other’s homes. Themo Lock was the runner up, and the following community members tied for 1st Place:

Doctor Shroud: Decorated a Druid Home in a Town Lot in Port Mirren, (Loc: -69.9, 185.0, -565.6)


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Update of the Avatar #114 – 2015.02.27: Underworld Funded and Final Week Push, Crowfall Funded, Jabbering Bertha, SotA’s 1st Wedding, Rick’s Spectral Mines, and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • Play Release 15 Now!
  • Underworld Funded – Now Entering Final Week!
  • Crowfall Kickstarter Funded in 3 Days!
  • Final Week for Massively Kickstarter
  • First Wedding in New Britannia
  • Rick Holtrop’s Spectral Mines
  • In-game Community Weekend Events
  • Sir Frank’s Writing Contest (with Prizes!)
  • Receiving Pledge Rewards and Add-On Items
  • Changes to Store Credit Conversions
  • Steam Access Keys Available for All Backers
  • How to Cancel Monthly Layaway Payment Plans
  • This Week In The News
  • Upcoming Events

Play Release 15 Now!

Release 15 screenshot courtesy of *Meyaka*[PeV]. Check out more in the Release 15 Screenshot Gallery.

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Release 15 Instructions – Unity 5 is Alive!

[A SotA Public Forum post by Starr Long]


Greetings Avatars,

Thank you to our loyal backers of Shroud of the Avatar. Release 15 access for all backers at First Responder level and above begins this Thursday, February 26 at 10:30 AM Central Time (16:30 UTC).

Please read this entire message, as well as the linked instructions and known issues.

This far from launch, we are in a constant state of change and we do not yet have in-game systems to inform players of these changes, or to share ways to help them to explore new content and systems. This means we rely entirely on this message, and the linked instructions and known issues to convey the current game state. We regularly have to answer questions or filter bug reports because players elect not to read this valuable information. By taking a few moments to read through this information, a great deal of our time and efforts can be redirected to focus on new “unanswered” questions, and addressing critical issues impacting each release. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to review this post, and for all the truly valuable feedback you continue to provide.

Unity5_logoWe are very excited that Release 15 represents our first release using Unity 5, the latest version of the Unity engine. Unity 5 provides us with both improved performance opportunities and graphical upgrades that will allow us to iteratively and dramatically improve the visual presentation of Shroud of the Avatar. As we have said before, our goal is to make sure Shroud is as visually compelling as we have time to make it. However, whenever we have to make a choice between simulation (turning lights on/off, picking up items from the world, NPC schedules, etc.) and visuals, we will ALWAYS choose the simulation.

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Update of the Avatar #113 – 2015.02.20: Underworld Gets Tracy Hickman and Steam Greenlight, SotA Single Player Features, Abe on Overworld, Chris Talks Economy, and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • Underworld Gets Tracy Hickman and Steam Greenlight
  • Single Player Offline Features
  • Abe Weighs in on Crafting the Novia Overworld
  • Let’s Talk About the Economy!
  • SotA On The Road Again!
  • Massively Kickstarter Success
  • In-game Community Weekend Events
  • Sir Frank’s Writing Contest (with Prizes!)
  • Last Chance Exclusives
  • Gem Treasure Designs: Silver Serpent Pendant
  • Receiving Pledge Rewards and Add-On Items in Release 14
  • Changes to Store Credit Conversions
  • Steam Access Keys Available for All Backers
  • How to Cancel Monthly Layaway Payment Plans
  • Upcoming Events

Underworld Gets Tracy Hickman and Steam Greenlight


As previously reported, our long-time friend and former Origin protégé, Paul Neurath, is rebooting the legendary Ultima Underworld games with the Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter campaign! It has been more than a decade long wait, but the stars have aligned and Paul has at long last freed the rights to move forward with the franchise. We’re especially excited that, just as the original Ultima and Underworld shared a connection on backstory and fictional elements, so too will Shroud of the Avatar and Underworld Ascendant.

We’re excited to announce that SotA Lead Story Designer and co-author of SotA’s Blade of the Avatar novel, Tracy Hickman, has signed up to pen an Underworld Ascendant novel as part of their $750k Stretch Goal:

tracy-hickman-150x150Tracy’s talents as a fantasy author, together with his deep experience with gaming and close collaboration on Shroud of the Avatar, a world connected to ours, make him ideally suited to write the Underworld Ascendant novel. The novel is going to be set several generations before the game takes place, and tell the story of how a band of Dark Elves from the land of the Shroud of the Avatar passed through a magic portal to make an exodus into the Stygian Abyss. It will tell of their trials in this harsh and dangerous underworld, and of how they carved out a place for themselves.  – Underworld Ascendant Update #15

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Are You Ready for some twitching!

Our friends on the Underworld Ascendant team over at Otherside Entertainment recently posted about some fun twitch action they have going on, starting today! Here’s what they said:

…we wanted to give everybody a heads-up that over the coming 3 weeks we’ll be doing a series of sessions on Twitch, which we’re calling Otherside plays Looking Glass, Folks from OtherSide, along with some very special guests, are going to be playing a selection of classic games we worked on when we were at Looking Glass.

First up is Thief, this Wednesday at 3pm – 6pm EST. Then System Shock 2 on Wednesday the 25th (time TBD). For the finale session on Wednesday March 4th (time TBD), Ultima Underworld naturally.

During each session we will be chatting about the game, sharing behind-the-scenes anecdotes about what went into its development, and more. We will also be giving away some free digital copies of these classic games. Please come join us, and tell your friends to come along too!


Update of the Avatar #112 – 2015.02.13: Underworld Dark Elven Kinsman Buckler, Necropolis Dungeon, Verdantis Shardfall, 50k Backers, and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • Necropolis: The Halls of the Dead
  • Underworld Ascendant: The Dark Elven “Kinsman” Buckler
  • Verdantis Shardfall
  • Novia Overworld Work-In-Progress
  • Help Us With Your Positive Recommendation on Steam
  • Hangout of the Avatar ~ Release 14 Postmortem
  • SotA Reaches 50,000 Backers!
  • Massively Kickstarter Success
  • In-game Community Weekend Events
  • Last Chance Exclusives
  • Receiving Pledge Rewards and Add-On Items in Release 14
  • Changes to Store Credit Conversions
  • Steam Access Keys Available for All Backers
  • How to Cancel Monthly Payment Plans
  • This Week In The News
  • Upcoming Events


Scene from the Necropolis Dungeon

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