
Q4 2016 Schedule Update

Starr_avatar[From a forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]

Greetings Avatars,

As we have stated previously, our goal is to once-per-quarter post an updated schedule for our monthly releases. Even though these goals will likely change somewhat as we react to feedback, we feel it is important to provide you an updated roadmap periodically.

Our goal continues to be to deliver our backers content each and every month so that we can get feedback and use it to iterate improvements. This continues to benefit the game, sometimes with sweeping changes like the switch over to use-based advancement. Meeting that monthly goal is our highest priority, but we require flexibility in our deliverables in order to meet that goal. As you have seen in previous releases, sometimes we push things out, but we also often pull new things in.

For the fourth quarter of 2016, we will continue to polish the Path of Love while moving on to the Path of Courage. We will continue to expand Crafting with focus on Cooking, Food, Agriculture, Alcohol, and Fishing in particular. Combat will continue to be balanced and will expand to include cover as well as a refactor of Damage Types and Resistances. Town Sieges and Roving Encounters will also come online to greatly expand our feature set.


As always, all dates, durations, and deliverables are subject to change as we adjust our designs based on direct feedback from you, our backers. Read more…

Save Your Offline Mode Progress!

For all those who play in offline mode, make sure that you manually save your game progress before the upcoming Release 34 goes live! If you do not save it manually, you will lose all progress, even with automatic saving enabled.

If progress is still lost after R34 goes live, you can revert your game to the previous build and recover the save. Then manually save from that point forward before patching again.

Save your offline progress now! R34 goes live on this Thursday, September 29th.

One Day Left to Claim Tickets for Release 33 Lot Deeds Raffle!

Over the next few months we will begin to distribute in-game Lot Deeds via raffles. These raffles will occur monthly. For the first month’s raffle, Release 33, we will be handing out 75 Place Anywhere Deeds and 600 Player Owned Town Deeds. Throughout each month, raffle tickets can be purchased from Home Decoration merchants in NPC and Player Owned towns. Raffle tickets are only good for one release.

R33 Lot Deed Raffle Winners: The raffle ticket drawing will be held right before R34 goes live, and we will announce the winners on Friday (September 30th) in Update 196 for the 675 Lot Deeds. The winners will receive their deeds shortly afterward.

As a reminder here is the breakdown of the lot numbers:

Place Anywhere Deeds (75):

  • Row: 40
  • Village: 20
  • Town: 10
  • City: 5

Player Owned Town Deeds (600):

  • Row: 320
  • Village: 160
  • Town: 80
  • City: 40

For the latest raffle numbers, click here.

Explore Housing in Hometown

In August of 2015, during Release 20, we responded to many requests from community members to be able to view a home in-game before they purchase it (either from the Add-On Store, Stretch Goal Store, or through a pledge upgrade) by building Hometown for the first time. Using the Island template, Starr “Darkstarr” Long built the town of Hometown on an island just off the southeast corner of Novia, near the starting town of Soltown.

Over many releases, Hometown morphed several times; changing biomes and becoming a community effort. Starting shortly after persistence in Release 32, we decided to take this back over as a developer effort versus a volunteer community effort. This was not an easy decision, but there was some negative perception around having players have access to the houses and decorations for “free”. So, rather than create unnecessary drama, we have just decided to take this back on as a dev effort.

Darkstarr has been feverishly placing the first sets of lots and houses on Live, and various team members will be claiming and decorating them as their own over the next several releases. Hometown is located off the southeastern coast of Novia, near Soltown (see map).


The dock area where you arrive includes links to all the other templates currently available so you can view those to see how they are all laid out. There is a large perimeter wall built with the White Stone Castle Walls that encircles the main flat area on the main island. All the houses in that enclosed area are available in the Add-On Store (ala carte or in  in Bundles) or in-game (crafted or bought from NPC merchants). Everything outside of that perimeter wall is expired content.hometownoverhead

The center of town near the main entrance is where you can find all of the various row houses. Directly behind them is Viking Avenue, which features all the Viking Bundle Homes. To the right is Kobold Quarter, which features the Kobold Bundle homes. And beyond that is what will become the Obsidian Section; featuring the Obsidian Bundle homes. To the left is the Elven area. The rest of the interior area is devoted to the various other home types and is roughly grouped by style (Adobe, Rustic, Shingle Roof, etc.). hometownkoboldquarter hometownelvenquarter hometowntowersandairships hometownkoboldgreathallandbelltower

Join us in Hometown to select your next house design to call home!

Update of the Avatar #195 – 2016.09.23: The Passing of Lacey, More Estgard Polish, Hometown Returns, Spotlight: Bastion’s Point

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

The Passing of Lacey

By now, many of you may have heard that one of our community members Lacey has passed after fighting a long, brave battle against breast cancer. Lacey was an incredible contributor to our community and was well known for her amazing decorating. We all benefited from her tremendous skills which she shared with us in projects like Hometown and the setup for the Devs vs. Players PVP match for the Spring Telethon.

You can see in this screenshot from the PVP match that Daxxe Diggler shared just how many people she impacted:devsvsplayerseventlaceydeco

Read more…

Community Spotlight: Relaxing in Bastion’s Point – Player Owned Town

The first Player Owned Town spotlight kicks off with Bastion’s Point! We will be touring towns and talking with guilds and other groups, all of which are open to be spotlighted on coming tours brought to you by Berek, your community wood elf druid. Near Soltown, I saw a great many things in Bastion’s Point that drove me to write this spotlight. Here is what I witnessed:

The other day I walked along the East Perennial Trail between Soltown and Solace Bridge. I was still dazed about the terrible things I saw at the Bridge and I needed a place to rest. To my good fortune, I came across a hamlet called Bastion’s Point just along the east coast. “Ah, I will rest here and perhaps get something to eat,” I said to myself.

As I entered Bastion’s Point, I felt a cool breeze of salt air which felt refreshing in the heat of the noon sun. I ventured further into town and found what initially looked like an inviting visitors center, until I saw the guillotine and the sign saying “executions every day brought to you by your friends at ‘A Bandit Camp'”.

Turning down the road, I encountered an open air social center with finely crafted chairs, a piano, and some strange plants. It was here I met Governor Trevour, who led Bastion’s Point. He greeted me with a friendly handshake and offered me a pint of ale from Mac’s Black and Tannery.

Bastion’s Point Social Center includes reading and relaxation areas, musical nooks, dance areas and town provided Amplifiers for listening to Avatar’s Radio and Radio Free Britannia!

I asked Governor Trevour…

Why was Bastion’s Point founded?

We wanted to bring together our friends we met playing other games like UO, once again to enjoy the experience of their company and the fun of adventuring together. What better way to do so than by creating a player owned town that serves not only as our hub of activity but also serves as a welcoming demonstration of our vision for our joint gaming experience. And no better place to come together once again than a world created by Richard Garriott and his great team of fellow visionaries.

Read more…

Richard Garriott and Team Speaking at Austin Game Conference

Richard “Lord British” Garriott, Creative Director at Portalarium, will be speaking at Austin Games Conference this week at the Austin Convention Center! In his first talk, Explore & Create, he shares how his experiences adventuring across, underneath, and over our planet helped him create other planets.



SEPTEMBER 21, 2016, 2:15 PM-3:15 PM

Richard Garriott has spent the last 40 years using his passion for exploration and research about our world to help him craft the virtual worlds he creates. In this talk he shares how his experiences adventuring across, underneath, and over our planet helped him create other planets. He will also share how a commitment to detailed research helped him create a level of believability in the worlds he created by creating layers of detail that reinforced the reality.

Visit the AGC Website for Richard’s latest schedule.


The Portalarium Team

Starr Long (Executive Producer), Finn Staber (Designer/Programmer), and Fletcher Kinnear (Character Artist) from our team will also be speaking at the event:



SEPTEMBER 22, 2016, 2:15 PM-3:15 PMstarr-speaking

More and more game developers are pushing community engagement earlier and earlier in the process of game development. Traditional game development consists of the developer working behind closed doors on their vision. Periodically, and in very controlled circumstances, the customers can see the work in progress but that is mostly elaborate trailers, often not even showing actual game play. Most importantly the customers cannot give feedback while the game is still being developed. Now earlier engagement is also extending more and more beyond the virtual (forums, gameplay, irc) and into the real with cosplay, conventions, meetups, physical rewards, and other tangibles that make the community connections even stronger. This is going beyond just letting customers see the game at all stages and begin playing it as soon as it is possible to provide feedback. This is moving more and more towards blurring the line between the developers and the players into one community. Starr Long, a twenty-five year veteran of the game industry, provides deep insight along with examples, from Ultima Online up to his current project, Shroud of the Avatar.



SEPTEMBER 21, 2016, 4:45 PM-5:45 PM

Advancements in technology now allow for a new level of immersive interactive experiences. The term “mixed-reality” is used in many ways for both AR and VR to describe the convincing presence that can be created. This panel of expert developers discusses techniques for creating immersive user experiences, and some of the important lessons learned over the past few years as “early adopters” of the latest AR/VR technology

WACOM BOOTH 308fletcher


SEPTEMBER 21, 2016, 1:30 PM-5:00 PM

Wacom staff and guest artists will be on hand to demonstrate the latest in Wacom tablets and techniques on how to use them. Shroud’s very own Fletcher Kinnear will be manning the booth Wednesday afternoon sharing his tips and tricks.

Update of the Avatar #194 – 2016.09.16: Estgard Polish, Lord British Attending SotA Con, Halloween Content, Austin Game Conference, R33 Postmortem Recap, and More!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Estgard Polish

Estgard is on the island of Norgard and is part of the Path of Courage. It is a cloned scene using one of our PRT / POT templates based off of the Forest 01 base template (aka PaxLair). In Release 33, we did an initial rebuild (aka “un-cloning”) of that scene where we added a plot specific perimeter wall and a handful of other visual changes to have it more closely match the Viking like style of the island of Norgard. In Release 34, we are polishing that rebuild to bring it up to our visual standards. When we start focusing on the Courage Path in a future release, it will also get an NPC polish pass. In Update 192, SorcerousSteve gave you a preview of these changes and this week he is giving you another update on the upcoming improvements. WARNING: Plot spoilers below.

Note that when we un-clone these scenes we do NOT change lot placements. We only make cosmetic changes of building styles, terrain, and foliage.

[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Esteben “SorcerousSteve” Zaldivar]


Hey guys, SorcerousSteve here to give you an update on Estgard! A few weeks ago we got to see a preview on the upcoming Estgard, we’ll continue that this week with a look inside the city walls. Estgard is a densely overgrown town located in Southeast Norgard along the Naryad Channel, it is a densely overgrown area constantly ravished by Kobold attacks.

The ongoing war between humans and Kobolds in this area has put people on the edge, so much that they believe that yellow will ward off the Kobolds and protect them.estgard5

Read more…

Introducing the New Testing Incentives Program

Starr_avatar[From a Forum post by Starr “Darkstarr” Long]
Program updated September 20, 2017

Greetings Avatars,

Thank you everyone for the amazing work you all do reporting issues in the game. It is only through your bug reports that we can find and fix issues with the game.

The volume of reported issues from the Live Server has remained steady, but now that we have reached persistence, it is understandably challenging to convince players to divide their time between the “real” world of Novia and the fleeting world of the QA Server. We still have a critical need for testing on the QA Server right before a monthly Release goes live.

That is why we are launching the Testing Incentives Program.

We want to reward testing efforts on the QA server because we understand that time spent there is time lost on advancing your character on live. At the same time we do not want to repeat the mistakes of past incentive programs, so instead of rewarding quantity we have created a lottery.

For each release we will randomly reward 4 of each of the following rewards (one prize per player):

  • 5 Gold Crowns
  • Ant Farm
  • Antennae
  • Bug Cloak
  • Set of Bug Paintings

In order to qualify you must meet the following requirements:

  • Install the QA version of the game
  • Login and play on QA for at least 4 hours per release
  • Report at least 1 bug in the QA section of the forums

Note that players will only be submitted for the lottery once per QA cycle. Continued bug reporting will not count toward additional submissions into the lottery.

Thank you everyone for the incredible work so far and we look forward to more of it in the future!

Richard Garriott Hi-jinks: AMA! Dragon Con Wedding and Storytelling

reddit-logoReddit AMA: Richard had one of his busiest schedules at Dragon Con ever this year, with 9 different events to preside over. Despite that, he still found time to do a Reddit AMA Sunday night where he answered questions about everything from how he got the name Lord British through what languages can he speak to how he celebrates Halloween.

Check out the entire AMA on Reddit.reddit

Speck’s Wedding: Not one to stay idle, after the New Britannia Round Table on Saturday, Richard presided at the wedding of a community member, Speck, who was given away by her childhood friend, Shooter Jennings. It was a true Dragon Con wedding with the groom dressed as Deadpool and a Jedi cutting the cake with a lightsaber. MJ Guthrie at MassivelyOP even covered the wedding!dcon wedding4

dcon wedding1dcon wedding3

Storytelling Interview: Richard had just landed in Austin from Dragon Con when he was interviewed by Unseen Dragon about storytelling.

Many from the community also attended Dragon Con to meet with Richard Garriott, Tracy Hickman, and to celebrate their presence in the game with each other. Enter the forums to see more photos of their adventures, and to post your own if you attended Dragon Con as well!