
Avatar’s Update #411: Patterns & Cabalist Hoods! Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Adventurers rejoice! The brave souls of Shroud of the Avatar possessing Cabalist Hoods will soon be able to alter their hood’s appearance by applying patterns. For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Patterns & Cabalist Hoods!

Many players of Shroud of the Avatar have spent considerable effort and time acquiring impressive collections of Cabalist Hoods which are desired by players for their excellent stat bonuses. Until now, if a player wanted to receive these bonuses, they were forced to display the hood’s appearance or utilize the “Hide Helm” feature. Patterns could not be applied to these hoods or any artifacts for that matter, but no longer! Coming on Release 85 next Thursday, all 8 Cabalist Hoods will accept cloth head patterns. This new option will allow those hood wearers to vary their appearance significantly. The following hoods will receive this update:

  • Cabalist Avara Hood
  • Cabalist Corpus Hood
  • Cabalist Dolus Hood
  • Cabalist Fastus Hood
  • Cabalist Indigno Hood
  • Cabalist Nefario Hood
  • Cabalist Nefas Hood
  • Cabalist Temna Hood

In the near future, expect many more artifact varieties to receive pattern capabilities. We hope players enjoy this new flexibility for altering one’s appearance. So many more exciting new features and Quality of Life improvements are inbound, Avatars! So, stay tuned!

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Avatar’s Update #410: Streamer Rewards Program Update! Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Attention! More information about the Streamer Rewards Program has been released for streamers of  Shroud of the Avatar! For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Updates to the Streamer Rewards Program!

Several months ago, a program was proposed for the Streamers of Shroud of the Avatar. The ultimate goal being to showcase Shroud of the Avatar while giving SotA streamers a reward for their efforts. The program is currently in Phase I, with Phase II technology currently being discussed and worked internally. So, let’s talk Phase I!

Phase I:
Streamers who wish to be included in the Streamer Program must contact Laney via in-game mail or in a private message on the forums with their Character Name and Twitch Channel information. If you have already signed up for the program in the past, fear not, you’re on the list, and you don’t need to reapply.

  • Streaming Rewards Program participants must adhere to our Terms of Service (TOS) and Community Rules while Streaming Shroud of the Avatar.
  • Streaming Rewards Program participants must stream at least 10 hours of Shroud of the Avatar ACTIVE game play to remain in the program with reward accrual.

Streamers will receive a one-time digital reward of in-game items after meeting the program’s requirements: Streamer’s Cloak, Streamer’s Camera, and a brand-new LIVESTREAMING title. Future incremental rewards will occur at 6-month intervals. (More information to come).


  • To qualify for Streamer Rewards, each streamer must continue to meet the minimum requirements for 60 days after application.
  • To accrue additional rewards, Streamers must stream SotA a minimum of 10 hours per month, tallied on the 1st day of each month, to remain in the program.
  • Streamers must be actively playing the game during their streams. Being away from the keyboard (AFK) for short periods is acceptable. If Twitch indicates the streamer is playing SotA but they are streaming other content or a timeout/login screen, they risk being removed from the program.

Items of Note:

  • SotAbot: Streamers in the program will be included in the SotAbot StreamPop function, appearing in the player-streaming channel in Discord.
  • Graphics & Overlays: An optional “Streamers Kit” is available to the participating streamers as well as all players of Shroud of the Avatar, which includes graphics, overlays and other material.

Watch the forums for more information, coming soon, regarding Titles, future rewards and for info on Phase II of the program. We love our Streamers, so get out to Twitch and follow them, watch them, and support them!

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Avatar’s Update #409: Homes for the Holiday Sale! Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Happy Holidays to the players of Shroud of the Avatar! To kick off this holiday season, we hope you enjoy the Homes for the Holiday Sale! For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Homes for the Holiday Sale!

To kick off the 2020 holiday season, you’ll find the following blowout sale prices in the Crown Shop:

  • 25% off Deed upgrades
  • 25% off Home BASE prices
  • 20% off Crown of the Obsidians

Rapid fire sales started at noon Thursday and will run until Tuesday, December 1st. With the rapid fire sales, you might find that home you’ve had your eye on double discounted, yep I said it, double! So it’s time to get that home upgrade you’ve been thinking about, or stock up on those Crowns! Don’t let these incredible deals get away from you, keep your eyes on the Crown Shop. For more information about Player Housing, please visit the Players Guide.

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Avatar’s Update #408: Play Release 84 Now! Butchery Update! Artifact Salvage Improvements! Crafted Framed Maps Incoming! Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Cooks and butchers rejoice! The talented crafters of Shroud of the Avatar will notice some splendid changes to their butchering endeavors. Also, for those salvaging artifacts, expect some more Ancient Essences and Patterns to come your way! And for all those Avatars out there that have collected maps from the original map system, get those over to your crafting tables! For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Butchery Update!

Butchers and cooks of New Britannia can now enjoy some very helpful Quality of Life (QOL) improvements to their craft! Here are some of the amazing updates which will improve the overall experience related to Butchering:

  • Process animal recipes have all been added to the game and all old meat recipes have been removed.
  • Process recipe icons now display the associated animal instead of the same meat icon previously used.
  • These new recipes are known by default, but still feature skill level requirements.

These changes will set up Butchery to take full advantage of crafting updates soon to arrive. Keep on the lookout for more crafting QOL improvements just on the horizon!

Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

The weekly Community Livestream is this Friday, November 20th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Chris “Atos” Spears and other members of the development team for a community 1 hour livestream!

To enter the prize drawings, type “Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins Please” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website add-on store. Please submit questions into Twitch Chat by inserting !question at the beginning of your text. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4 PM CT!

Artifact Salvage Improvements!

Players of Shroud of the Avatar can now take their artifacts to their associated crafting stations for salvage and receive a far better result! Not only will salvaged artifacts now yield Ancient Essences in an amount relative to their tier, but a small handful of artifacts now yield a pattern which can be applied to your equipment to alter its appearance! Artifacts will break down into essences in the following fashion:

  • Common: 1
  • Uncommon: 1
  • Rare: 2
  • Legendary: 4
  • Epic: 8

As more and more Ancient Essences enter into the world as a result of these changes, players can expect additional uses for these items in upcoming crafting recipes. And for polearm, dagger and bow users, check out these new patterns available! When these artifacts are salvaged, they have a 100% chance to provide a pattern:

  • Halberd of the Sun (Polearm)
  • Shard of Night (Dagger)
  • Xen Penetrator (Long Bow)

It has been brought to our attention that the Halberd of the Sun looks too similar to another artifact. In the future, expect some slight modifications to it to give it an even more unique look which will vary more greatly from the Vile version of the model. Players can expect a large variety of artifact updates coming soon, to include additional patterns, new appearances for a variety of artifacts, and the ability to apply patterns TO artifacts. Stay tuned!

Crafted Bone Pile Decorations!Ready your weapons! Slay your fellow community members! Loot their skulls, hands and jawbones! Craft with their body parts! Previously, players engaging in PvP or acquiring body parts from other players by other means, could apply these PvP trophies to various recipes such as the Skull Goblet, Bone Windchimes, and the Skull Candle. Now three additional recipes have been added which will provide more bone variations to scatter around your dungeons, homes, and basements! Recipes for the following items were added:

  • Bone Pile 1
  • Bone Pile 2
  • Bone Pile 3

If you wish to send a shiver down the spines of your guests, be sure to stack them high! These bone piles can be stacked on top of each other, and their recipes are available from the decoration merchant in Xenos above the bank. To accompany these new bone pile craftable decorations, on January 1st, a Skull Pile will be added to the Crown Store! Happy bone collecting, Avatars!

Crafted Framed Maps Incoming!

Originally, Shroud of the Avatar featured a map system which was accessible by using map type inventory items obtained through loot and merchant transactions. Now, developers are hard at work converting these maps into player placeable decorations! Not only will all these maps have a decoration version, but each map will have its own crafting recipes which will drop in mysterious and deadly locations throughout the game. The first two of these new recipes should arrive in-game upon the first patch after Release, and others will be soon to follow in the weeks ahead.

Soon to Arrive:

  • Recipe: Framed Map of Ardoris (Fauns)
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Kingsroad (Daemons)

Arriving Later:

  • Recipe: Framed Map of Braemar
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Deep Ravenswood
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Graff Gem Mines Entrance
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Grunvald Shardfall
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Kingsport
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Mysterious Swamp
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Northmarsh
  • Recipe: Framed Map of North Ravenswood
  • Recipe: Framed Map of North Valeway
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Ruined Keep
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Owl’s Head
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Ravensmoor
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Ruins of Ravensmoor
  • Recipe: Framed Worn Map of Ruins of Ravensmoor
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Solace Bridge
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Soltown
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Southmarsh
  • Recipe: Framed Map of South Ravenswood
  • Recipe: Framed Map of South Valeway
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Veiled Swamp
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Vertas Pass
  • Recipe: Framed Map of West Ravenswood
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Wynton’s Folly
  • Recipe: Framed Map of Wyrmsands

As these map recipes continue to patch into the game, adventurers will start noticing them in loot throughout all of New Britannia, each dropping from a particular creature or in a particular location. Some will be harder to find than others, but ultimately, players will have approximately 26 map recipes to find as they explore the world. Collect them all!

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Avatar’s Update #407: Player-Owned Town Light Limit Increase! Latest News Q&A Friday the 13th Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Governors, stewards, and Player-Owned Town (POT) residents in Shroud of the Avatar can now enjoy a much larger limit for POT light decorations. For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Player-Owned Town Light Limit Increase!

Governors! Stewards! Player-Owned Town (POT) residents! Take heed! POTs of Shroud of the Avatar will now be even MORE illuminated! Every POT has decoration limits based upon the town size, and every town size has just received an approximate 50% increase in decorative light limits.

Old POT Decorative Light Limits:

  • Holdfast: 30
  • Hamlet: 40
  • Village: 50
  • Crossroads Village: 60
  • Town: 80
  • City: 100
  • Metropolis: 130
  • Municipality: 160
  • Megalopolis: 200
  • Gigalopolis: 240
  • Teralopolis: 300

New POT Decorative Light Limits:

  • Holdfast: 45
  • Hamlet: 60
  • Village: 75
  • Crossroads Village: 90
  • Town: 120
  • City: 150
  • Metropolis: 200
  • Municipality: 240
  • Megalopolis: 300
  • Gigalopolis: 360
  • Teralopolis: 450

Keep on the lookout for more amazing Quality of Life improvements coming your way! For more information about Player-Owned Towns, please visit the POT store entries, the Players Guide, or the Player-Owned Town (POT) FAQ on the forums.

Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

The weekly Community Livestream is this lucky Friday, November 13th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Chris “Atos” Spears and other members of the development team for a community 1 hour livestream!

To enter the prize drawings, type “Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins Please” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website add-on store. Please submit questions into Twitch Chat by inserting !question at the beginning of your text. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4 PM CT!

Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund

Through years of gameplay and attendance of live Shroud of the Avatar events, community members might have had the opportunity to meet developer Justin “oneandonly” Gilbert. Justin has been a most valued team member for many years, but is now experiencing an immense loss in his life and could really use our support. Tragically, Justin’s wife, Jenn Gilbert, has passed away. Please, for those that have met Jenn or Justin or simply have love in their hearts for the team, please reach out and offer your condolences. On Justin’s behalf, Chris Spears has launched a GoFundMe page to help the family in their great time of need:

“No amount of money could ever replace the love, laughs, and comfort that Jenn Gilbert brought to her family. But we are hoping to help raise enough to help make life for her husband, Justin Gilbert, and her three children a little more bearable while they work out how to move forward without her in their lives. Jenn and Justin had been together over 20 years, having started dating in high school. Justin and Jenn’s mom, Judy, will now be trying to fill the hole her sudden passing has left in the lives of their three children, JJ, Jax, and  Jayla…” (more at GoFundMe.com)

Even if times are hard and a donation to the memorial fund is not possible, please visit the Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund page to learn more about Justin’s beautiful wife, Jenn. May she always be remembered, and may the memories of her always be cherished. Any contributions to the Gilbert family, no matter how small, are so greatly appreciated.

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Avatar’s Update #406: Foal & Tamed Horse Exchange Details! Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Recently, players of Shroud of the Avatar were introduced to the long awaited Mount System! Now players who are tamers or possess stretch-goal foals can turn-in their horses and foals for rideable versions of those animals! Also, the coming weeks will address bug fixes and quality of life improvements! For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Foal & Tamed Horse Exchange Details!

Shortly after Release 83, new foal and tamed horse turn-in NPCs have been added to the game! These turn-ins yield fully functional mounts that have the same capabilities as the Crown Store mounts! So if you’re a tamer or one of the lucky owners of an older foal, head on over to the following locations throughout New Britannia to exchange your items:

  • Nob: The Stable Boy in Owl’s Head
  • Bodan Koren: The Master Taming Trainer in Braemar
  • Corsten: The Master Tactics Trainer in Desolis
  • Falcon: Animal Trainer in Aerie
  • Oakley: Stable Girl in Brittany Fields

If any player owns one of the following non-domesticated versions of a foal, the turn-in locations listed above will yield the following items:

  • Appaloosa Foal, Trade-in Yields: Appaloosa Foal (Domesticated), Appaloosa Horse Mount
  • Black Foal, Trade-In Yields: Black Foal (Domesticated), Black Horse Mount
  • Buckskin Foal, Trade-In Yields: Buckskin Foal (Domesticated), Buckskin Horse Mount
  • Dun Foal, Trade-In Yields: Dun Foal (Domesticated), Dun Horse Mount
  • Roan Foal, Trade-In Yields: Roan Foal (Domesticated), Roan Horse Mount
  • White Foal, Trade-In Yields: White Foal (Domesticated), White Horse Mount

For all the tamers out there, bring your tamed Bay, Blanket, and Palomino Horses to those NPCs and get these rideable mounts:

  • Taming Necklace (Bay Horse), Trade-In Yields: Bay Horse Mount
  • Taming Necklace (Blanket Horse), Trade-In Yields: Blanket Horse Mount
  • Taming Necklace (Palomino Horse), Trade-In Yields: Palomino Horse Mount

And don’t forget to get your riding skills, Avatars! You’ll need these to improve the functionality of your new four-legged friend:

  • Horsemanship (+Mounted Speed, +Mounted Carry Capacity)
  • Horse Gallop Speed (+Mounted Speed Sprint)
  • Horse Carry Capacity Focus (-Mounted Speed, +Mounted Carry Capacity)
  • Horse Speed Focus (+Mounted Speed, -Mounted Carry Capacity)

So get in-game and check out these splendid new mounts! Explore New Britannia atop a majestic and mighty steed!

Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

The weekly Community Livestream is this Friday, November 6th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Chris “Atos” Spears and other members of the development team for a community 1 hour livestream!

To enter the prize drawings, type “Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins Please” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website add-on store. Please submit questions into Twitch Chat by inserting !question at the beginning of your text. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4 PM CT!

Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund

Through years of gameplay and attendance of live Shroud of the Avatar events, community members might have had the opportunity to meet developer Justin “oneandonly” Gilbert. Justin has been a most valued team member for many years, but is now experiencing an immense loss in his life and could really use our support. Tragically, Justin’s wife, Jenn Gilbert, has passed away. Please, for those that have met Jenn or Justin or simply have love in their hearts for the team, please reach out and offer your condolences. On Justin’s behalf, Chris Spears has launched a GoFundMe page to help the family in their great time of need:

“No amount of money could ever replace the love, laughs, and comfort that Jenn Gilbert brought to her family. But we are hoping to help raise enough to help make life for her husband, Justin Gilbert, and her three children a little more bearable while they work out how to move forward without her in their lives. Jenn and Justin had been together over 20 years, having started dating in high school. Justin and Jenn’s mom, Judy, will now be trying to fill the hole her sudden passing has left in the lives of their three children, JJ, Jax, and  Jayla…” (more at GoFundMe.com)

Even if times are hard and a donation to the memorial fund is not possible, please visit the Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund page to learn more about Justin’s beautiful wife, Jenn. May she always be remembered, and may the memories of her always be cherished. Any contributions to the Gilbert family, no matter how small, are so greatly appreciated.

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Avatar’s Update #405: Play Release 83 Now! Mounts of New Britannia Revealed! New Adventure Scene: The Breach! Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

Release 83 brings players of Shroud of the Avatar a plethora of new features, content, and fixes! The new Mount System is available! A new adventure scene known as “The Breach” is ready to challenge battled-hardened adventurers! The changes to the Player-Owned Town Teleporters are now live! For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Mounts of New Britannia Revealed!

Rideable mounts have arrived in New Britannia! Now, players of Shroud of the Avatar will be able to zip across the lands of Novia, Hidden Vale, and Mistrendur atop 16 beautiful mounts, with many additional varieties coming in the near future! Of note, 6 of the Crown Store mounts will also be obtainable by players who already own particular foal decoration pets! Also, 3 of the new mounts will be obtainable through exchange of the tamed versions of those horses. Additionally, to add a bit of spice and fun to riding, 4 new mounted skills have been added to the Tactics Skill Tree!

The first iteration of mounts added to the game are as follows, and should become available throughout the early part of R83:

  • Appaloosa Horse Mount (Crowns, Foal Exchange)
  • Bay Horse Mount (Taming Necklace Exchange)
  • Black Horse Mount (Crowns, Foal Exchange)
  • Black Unicorn Mount (Crowns)
  • Blanket Horse Mount (Taming Necklace Exchange)
  • Buckskin Horse Mount (Crowns, Foal Exchange)
  • Dun Horse Mount (Crowns, Foal Exchange)
  • Ghost Horse Mount (Crowns)
  • Nightmare Mount (Crowns)
  • Palomino Horse Mount (Taming Necklace Exchange)
  • Roan Horse Mount (Crowns, Foal Exchange)
  • Shadow Horse Mount (Crowns)
  • Skeleton Horse Mount (Crowns)
  • White Horse Mount (Crowns, Foal Exchange)
  • White Unicorn Mount (Crowns)
  • Zombie Horse Mount (Crowns)

Following through with the old webstore mount stretch goals, players with the following foal decoration pets will soon be able to trade-in these pets at a quest NPC to receive domesticated versions of the foal PLUS the corresponding Crown Store horse mount! Also, players will receive domesticated versions of the foals from all future Crown Store purchases. Whether a domesticated foal version is received via the foal quest trade-in or through a future store purchase, the domesticated versions of these foals cannot be traded-in at the quest NPC. More details are coming soon, but the current plans for the trade-ins at the quest NPC will yield the following:

  • Appaloosa Foal, Trade-in Yields: Appaloosa Foal (Domesticated), Appaloosa Horse Mount
  • Black Foal, Trade-In Yields: Black Foal (Domesticated), Black Horse Mount
  • Buckskin Foal, Trade-In Yields: Buckskin Foal (Domesticated), Buckskin Horse Mount
  • Dun Foal, Trade-In Yields: Dun Foal (Domesticated), Dun Horse Mount
  • Roan Foal, Trade-In Yields: Roan Foal (Domesticated), Roan Horse Mount
  • White Foal, Trade-In Yields: White Foal (Domesticated), White Horse Mount

Three of the new mounts are specifically reserved for the tamers of New Britannia! Tamers will be able to exchange their tamed horse pets for a bridle, which is the inventory item that allows players to summon a mount. More details will soon be revealed, but current plans will allow players to trade-in the following Taming Necklaces:

  • Taming Necklace (Bay Horse), Trade-In Yields: Bay Horse Mount
  • Taming Necklace (Blanket Horse), Trade-In Yields: Blanket Horse Mount
  • Taming Necklace (Palomino Horse), Trade-In Yields: Palomino Horse Mount

To provide players some additional functionality as riders gallop across New Britannia, 4 additional skills have been added to the Tactics Skill Tree:

  • Horsemanship (+Mounted Speed, +Mounted Carry Capacity)
  • Horse Gallop Speed (+Mounted Sprint Speed)
  • Horse Carry Capacity Focus (-Mounted Speed, +Mounted Carry Capacity)
  • Horse Speed Focus (+Mounted Speed, -Mounted Carry Capacity

These newly created mounts are just the beginning! Players can expect many more mount varieties to come their way in the future! Please stay tuned for more mount related news just on the horizon.

Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Another weekly Community Livestream is this Friday, October 30th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Chris “Atos” Spears and other members of the development team for a community 1 hour livestream!

To enter the prize drawings, type “I love fall most of all” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website add-on store. Please submit questions into Twitch Chat by inserting !question at the beginning of your text. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4 PM CT!

New Adventure Scene: The Breach!

Another adventure scene is nearing release and will become available in early R83 to challenge players of Shroud of the Avatar! Chris “Atos” Spears has created a new style of boss encounter which can only be experienced in The Breach, a new adventure scene available to Episode 2 Access holders!

This PvE scene is a modified version of Dysborg Ruins, a PvP scene located along the shores of the Naryad Channel. The Breach features improved performance over Dysborg Ruins, and the creature spawns have been expanded considerably. For players to best the creatures and wave event within The Breach, team-oriented tactics must also be employed!

Players must face four guardian elemental mini-bosses which spawn in key locations. Each elemental has a five minute respawn timer. Two of these elementals are highly resistant to magic. The other two elementals are highly resistant to physical damage. All four elementals must be slain at nearly the same time, requiring considerable team coordination. A player must also be present at the wave battle spawn location to trigger the wave event when the four guardian elementals are defeated. The resulting wave battle will be highly difficult, and provide a significant challenge to even the most powerful of teams.

The Breach is coming, Avatars! Will you accept this challenge and defeat the denizens of The Breach? May the Virtues guide thee…

Player-Owned Town Teleporter Update!

Governors and stewards of Player-Owned Towns (POT) can now enjoy extra functionality with their premium NPC Town teleporters. Currently, these 3 teleporters only take players to a single NPC Town. As of Release 83, they have received additional capabilities, and the names of these 3 teleporters have been adjusted to coincide with the changes to their functionality as follows:

  • “Teleporter to Ardoris” name changed to “Shogun Teleporter”
  • “Teleporter to Central Brittany” name changed to “Bell Tower Teleporter”
  • “Teleporter to Owl’s Head” name changed to “Tower Archway Teleporter “

Not only can governors and stewards adjust which towns these 3 teleporters point to, but all NPC Towns, Player-Run Towns (PRT) and POTs are available as destinations. Of note, the prices for these 3 teleporters have been significantly reduced.

Along these same lines, the recently added POT Interconnection Teleporters have also received name changes. In a similar fashion, all of these teleporters now allow for NPC Town, PRT, and POT destinations. Now that teleportation to NPC Towns is available through player-placed decoration items, POT service vouchers can no longer be utilized for new POT to NPC Town interconnections. The names of these teleporters have changed as follows:

  • “Player-Owned Town Wagon” name changed to “Wagon Teleporter”
  • “Player-Owned Town Hatch” name changed to “Hatch Teleporter”
  • “Player-Owned Town Balloon” name changed to “Balloon Teleporter”
  • “Player-Owned Town Boat” name changed to “Boat Teleporter”

We hope this Quality of Life (QOL) improvement enhances the gameplay experience of town governors, stewards, and residents. So many more QOL improvements are just on the horizon, so stay tuned, Avatars!

Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund

Through years of gameplay and attendance of live Shroud of the Avatar events, community members might have had the opportunity to meet developer Justin “oneandonly” Gilbert. Justin has been a most valued team member for many years, but is now experiencing an immense loss in his life and could really use our support. Tragically, Justin’s wife, Jenn Gilbert, has passed away. Please, for those that have met Jenn or Justin or simply have love in their hearts for the team, please reach out and offer your condolences. On Justin’s behalf, Chris Spears has launched a GoFundMe page to help the family in their great time of need:

“No amount of money could ever replace the love, laughs, and comfort that Jenn Gilbert brought to her family. But we are hoping to help raise enough to help make life for her husband, Justin Gilbert, and her three children a little more bearable while they work out how to move forward without her in their lives. Jenn and Justin had been together over 20 years, having started dating in high school. Justin and Jenn’s mom, Judy, will now be trying to fill the hole her sudden passing has left in the lives of their three children, JJ, Jax, and  Jayla…” (more at GoFundMe.com)

Even if times are hard and a donation to the memorial fund is not possible, please visit the Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund page to learn more about Justin’s beautiful wife, Jenn. May she always be remembered, and may the memories of her always be cherished. Any contributions to the Gilbert family, no matter how small, are so greatly appreciated.

Crowns, Deed Upgrades & Two-Hour Flash Sales!

Avatars! Sales for the Halloween season are upon us! Crowns are on sale for 20% off! Players will have the entire holiday weekend to enjoy the discount. Deed Upgrades are ALSO 20% off! To upgrade a deed, place the deed into your inventory, then right-click the deed to reveal upgrade options. But that’s not all! The Two-Hour Flash Sales event returns for another round and start today at 1PM CT! So watch your clocks, Avatars! A new batch of 9 sale items will rotate into the in-game Crown Store every 2 hours! All sales should start shortly!

Players have until Wednesday, November 3rd at 1PM CST to take advantage of these great discounts, at which time all 3 sales events expire. Happy shopping, Avatars!

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Avatar’s Update #404: Bug Brigade & Testing Directives! Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

This week’s update brings players of Shroud of the Avatar a bit of information about Release 84, which will focus primarily on bug fixes rather than new features and content. We’d also like to extend an enormous thank you to all those participating in the Bug Brigade! For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Bug Brigade & Testing Directives!

The Bug Brigade was established to improve how the community and the development team work together to improve the game. Since the Brigade’s inception, the program has gone through a number of changes and was eventually placed on hold. The stability of the game is as important to the development team as it is to the players, therefore the program was revamped and was recently relaunched.

The Brigade has been up and running for two months now, and the volunteers are getting into a good rhythm for verifying and submitting bugs to the developers. If you have reported a bug that has not yet been addressed, please be patient while the backlog is being worked. The Brigade is working diligently to cleanup the backlog of bug reports posted by players on the forums.

As was recently announced on a Twitter post by Chris “Atos” Spears, the upcoming development time for Release 84 will be primarily spent working many of the verified bugs which have been submitted to the team by the Bug Brigade. This focused effort on bug fixes would not be possible without the recent efforts of the Bug Brigade. Please take the time to thank these bug hunting aficionados when you encounter them in your travels!

In turn, the development team would like to express a big thank you to the Bug Hunters! These community members are doing a fantastic job bringing so many bug reports to the team, and they’re doing it in a way which makes the process smooth and efficient. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Already, much improvement has been noticed by the development team, and we’re so very excited to see the program successfully back in action!

The development team would also like to thank all of those who took time out to participate in the QA Testing Directive for the upcoming Mount System. Thanks to your hard work and dedication, many issues and bugs were identified and fixed prior to the system going to the Live Server! Keep up the great work! For those that wish to participate in future bug hunting endeavors, please check the forums regularly for upcoming QA Testing Directives.

Also, the Bug Brigade would like to welcome its newest Bug Moderator, Echondas! Please congratulate him the next time you see him in-game or on the forums. This new member expands the Bug Moderator team to: Alley Oop, Echondas, Justyn, and Tazar. Thank you Moderators! Your efforts are highly valued by the development team!

Don’t forget, the Bug Brigade is open to all players in good standing, and the bug rewards are back! And they are SWEET! They will be awarded on a monthly progression basis with only minimal requirements to qualify. The available rewards to receive in progression via qualifying participation are as follows:

  1. Antennae Head Gear and Forum Title 1: “Bug Hunter”
  2. Single Ant Cloak
  3. Lady Bug Backpack
  4. Bug Painting A and In-Game Title 2: “Associate of Aphids”
  5. Ant Farm
  6. Insect Leg Table
  7. Many Ants Cloak and In-Game Title 3: “Bachelor of Beetles”
  8. Bug Painting B
  9. Bug Sprayer
  10. Bug Painting C and In-Game Title 4: “Master of Moths”
  11. Butterfly Chair
  12. Corpion Chair (Pictured Below)
  13. Yellow Fireflies VFX and In-Game Title 5: “Doctor of Dragonflies”
  14. Hacked Oracle Flyer
  15. Giant Blue Butterfly Pet
  16. Butterfly Mask
  17. Dragonfly pet
  18. Fairy Wings
  19. Monarch Butterfly Pet
  20. Dragonfly Wings
  21. Hacked Oracle Crawler
  22. Blue Butterfly VFX
  23. Orange Fireflies VFX
  24. Orange Butterfly VFX

If you’ve come to think of Shroud of the Avatar as your home, signup and help make New Britannia a better place to live! To learn more about joining the Bug Brigade, please read the announcement thread by Ravolox in the main Bug/Feedback forums.

Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Another weekly Community Livestream is this Friday, October 23rd at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Chris “Atos” Spears and other members of the development team for a community 1 hour livestream!

To enter the prize drawings, type “I love fall most of all” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website add-on store. Please submit questions into Twitch Chat by inserting !question at the beginning of your text. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4 PM CT!

Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund

Through years of gameplay and attendance of live Shroud of the Avatar events, community members might have had the opportunity to meet developer Justin “oneandonly” Gilbert. Justin has been a most valued team member for many years, but is now experiencing an immense loss in his life and could really use our support. Tragically, Justin’s wife, Jenn Gilbert, has passed away. Please, for those that have met Jenn or Justin or simply have love in their hearts for the team, please reach out and offer your condolences. On Justin’s behalf, Chris Spears has launched a GoFundMe page to help the family in their great time of need:

“No amount of money could ever replace the love, laughs, and comfort that Jenn Gilbert brought to her family. But we are hoping to help raise enough to help make life for her husband, Justin Gilbert, and her three children a little more bearable while they work out how to move forward without her in their lives. Jenn and Justin had been together over 20 years, having started dating in high school. Justin and Jenn’s mom, Judy, will now be trying to fill the hole her sudden passing has left in the lives of their three children, JJ, Jax, and  Jayla…” (more at GoFundMe.com)

Even if times are hard and a donation to the memorial fund is not possible, please visit the Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund page to learn more about Justin’s beautiful wife, Jenn. May she always be remembered, and may the memories of her always be cherished. Any contributions to the Gilbert family, no matter how small, are so greatly appreciated.

New Vault Round!

The current round of Vault items are available until Thursday, October 29th at 1PM CT. At that time, the next round of 9 items will be available for one week, and then the next, etc.

  • Baby Black & Orange Spider Decoration Pet
  • Fall Wreath 2017
  • Bloodraven Decoration Pet
  • Ghost Cat Decoration Pet
  • Wood & Plaster 2-Story Village Home
  • Wood & Plaster 2-Story with Overhang Village Home
  • Obsidian Sarcophagus
  • Prisoner’s Mask
  • Giant Scarecrow

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Avatar’s Update #403: New Mini-Maps Available! Special Guest Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

This week’s update brings players of Shroud of the Avatar a very large number of additional mini-maps! New and old players alike will have a map to guide them in more adventure and town scenes! For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

New Mini-Maps Available!

Master cartographers Ravalox and List Rostov are hard at work exploring the world of New Britannia and annotating their travels through the creation of new mini-maps! Check out this amazing list of scenes that have received new mini-maps during R82:

  • Alpine Road
  • Approach to the Shuttered Eye
  • Braemer
  • Brightbone Pass
  • Fishing Expedition
  • Graff Gem Mines Entrance
  • Greymark Forest
    Hills Encounter
  • Human Battle Encampment
  • Kingsport
  • Kingsroad
  • Kobold Battle Camp
  • Kobold Expeditionary Camp
  • Lamech’s Baazar
  • Mistrendur
  • Mistrendur Ulfheim Classic
  • Moors of Northshore
  • North Ravenswood
  • North Valeway
  • Northmarsh
  • Owl’ Nest Mine
  • Owl’s Nest
  • Plains of Righ Inis
  • PRT Template 1 (used in multiple scenes)
  • PRT Template 2 (used in multiple scenes)
  • South Ravenswood
  • South Valeway
  • Southeast Blackblade Mountains
  • Southmarsh
  • West Perennial Trail
  • West Ravenswood
  • Wynton’s Folly
  • Wyrmsands

These new maps were already announced and added before or on R82. For those that missed out:

  • Celestis
  • City of Yew
  • East Perennial Trail
  • East Veiled Swamp
  • Eastreach Gap
  • North Brightbone Woods
  • Restless Woods
  • South Brightbone Woods
  • South Celestial Wetlands
  • Spindelskog
  • Tanglemire
  • West Veiled Swamp
  • Whiteguard Foothills

In this first pass for many of these maps, the goal was to make them available as soon as possible, with plans for more touch-ups to occur at a later time. So even after a map becomes available, expect many of these to receive aesthetic improvements in a second pass. At some point, adventurers of New Britannia can expect to see mini-maps in every adventure and town scene. So get your exploration gear ready, Avatars! So many more mini-maps are coming your way!

Special Guest Friday Livestream!

Another weekly Community Livestream is this Friday, October 16th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Stephen “Ravalox” Reinen and special guest Scott Jones for a community 1 hour livestream!

Not only will Scott Jones share tales of his work with Shroud of the Avatar, he’ll be sharing news about one of his most amazing projects, Shard RPG!

To enter the prize drawings, type “I love fall most of all” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website add-on store. Please submit questions into Twitch Chat by inserting !question at the beginning of your text. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4 PM CT!

Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund

Through years of gameplay and attendance of live Shroud of the Avatar events, community members might have had the opportunity to meet developer Justin “oneandonly” Gilbert. Justin has been a most valued team member for many years, but is now experiencing an immense loss in his life and could really use our support. Tragically, Justin’s wife, Jenn Gilbert, has passed away. Please, for those that have met Jenn or Justin or simply have love in their hearts for the team, please reach out and offer your condolences. On Justin’s behalf, Chris Spears has launched a GoFundMe page to help the family in their great time of need:

“No amount of money could ever replace the love, laughs, and comfort that Jenn Gilbert brought to her family. But we are hoping to help raise enough to help make life for her husband, Justin Gilbert, and her three children a little more bearable while they work out how to move forward without her in their lives. Jenn and Justin had been together over 20 years, having started dating in high school. Justin and Jenn’s mom, Judy, will now be trying to fill the hole her sudden passing has left in the lives of their three children, JJ, Jax, and  Jayla…” (more at GoFundMe.com)

Even if times are hard and a donation to the memorial fund is not possible, please visit the Jenn Gilbert Memorial Fund page to learn more about Justin’s beautiful wife, Jenn. May she always be remembered, and may the memories of her always be cherished. Any contributions to the Gilbert family, no matter how small, are so greatly appreciated.

New Vault Round!

The current round of Vault items are available until Thursday, October 22nd at 1PM CT. At that time, the next round of 9 items will be available for one week, and then the next, etc.

  • Grim Reaper Mask 2016
  • Ornate Scythe 2017 Pattern Pack
  • Ghost Dog Decoration Pet
  • Grim Reaper Mask
  • Jabbering Bertha
  • Ornate Skull Candle
  • Autumn Leaf Trident
  • Torn and Tattered Wedding Dress Outfit
  • Large Spooky Fountain

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Avatar’s Update #402: Upcoming Adventure Scene – The Breach! Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Greetings Fellow Avatars!

This week’s update brings players of Shroud of the Avatar details about The Breach! The Breach is an upcoming new adventure scene featuring team-oriented boss mechanics. For those wishing to participate in any community activities, upcoming one-time and recurring community events have been announced! Be sure to also review the Players Guide and Known Issues list for additional information on recent changes and upcoming fixes. Now, let’s see what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

News Announcements

Community Updates

Upcoming Adventure Scene – The Breach!

Another new adventure scene is in design and will be revealed to players on the QA server shortly! Chris “Atos” Spears is hard at work creating a new style of boss encounter which can only be experienced in The Breach, a new location soon to become available to Episode 2 Access holders!

This PvE scene is a modified version of Dysborg Ruins, a PvP scene located along the shores of the Naryad Channel. Much of the terrain has been altered to provide a chilly arctic feel with more visual changes to come during development. A dark and foreboding fog accompanied by frequent lightning strikes will most certainly put adventurers ill at ease! The Breach will also feature improved performance over Dysborg Ruins, and the creature spawns will be expanded considerably.

By accomplishing team-oriented events within the scene, a highly difficult wave battle will commence in the center of the map. Players will face four guardian golem mini-bosses which spawn in key locations.

Each golem will have a five minute respawn timer. Two of these golems will be highly resistant to magic. The other two golems will be highly resistant to physical damage. All four golems must be slain at nearly the same time, requiring considerable team coordination. A player must also be present at the wave battle spawn location to trigger the wave event when the four guardian golems are defeated. The resulting wave battle will be highly difficult, and provide a significant challenge to even the most powerful of teams.

The Breach is coming soon, Avatars! So stay tuned, and happy adventures!

Latest News Q&A Friday Livestream!

Another weekly Community Livestream is this Friday, October 9th at 4PM CT on Twitch! Join Chris “Atos” Spears and other development team members for a community 1 hour livestream!

To enter the prize drawings, type “I love fall most of all” into any in-game chat channel OR make a purchase on the website add-on store. Please submit questions into Twitch Chat by inserting !question at the beginning of your text. Watch on Twitch, Friday at 4 PM CT!

New Vault Round!

The current round of Vault items are available until Thursday, October 15th at 1PM CT. At that time, the next round of 9 items will be available for one week, and then the next, etc.

  • Rotten Armor Outfit
  • Ghost Raven Decoration Pet
  • Grim Reaper Statue
  • Witch’s Hat
  • Zombie Mask
  • Skull Cloak
  • Autumn Leaf Shield
  • Fall Wreath 2019
  • Large Nightmare Statue

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