NPC submissions requested for Harvest


For Developer+ Pledge holders who have the pledge reward to create NPCs please see this post from Scott “Lum” Jennings.

[From a Dev+ Forum Post by Scott “Lum” Jennings]

Thank you for your continuing support of Shroud of the Avatar! This month, in addition to Estgard, we’re seeking entries for inhabitants of the village of Harvest!

Harvest is the port of entry to the kingdom of Norgard, on the mainland side of the channel. It is primarily a farming community, but sees a good bit of traffic between the Knights of Norgard bastion of Resolute and Norgard proper.

If you do NOT want your backer NPC to be in Harvest, you may want to wait. I will update this thread if we are running low on submissions – generally we are OK on duplicate submissions for characters who don’t get adopted (such as guards) but if you absolutely have a character who should be in a given city (such as Brittany) you should wait until we advertise for that city.

First, some brief notes:

  • Harvest is one of our “uncloning” scenes, where we go back post-final wipe and fill out unique content for each village and city. Thus, the NPCs are already in the game, but we can change appearance (to a degree, as seen below), gender, etc. to suit your request. If you want to pick a specific NPC (for example, one near your own house) we will do our best to accomodate you but may not be able to. Note that this process is just to make Harvest NPCs different – Harvest has already had a physical uncloning pass and its layout is basically final for release. We are backfilling NPCs that should have backstories at this point.
  • NPC visual customization, as you may have noticed, is still at a very early stage in development. Right now for the backers who want to be added to Harvest, we cannot offer any visual customization options beyond our standard gallery of NPC models. If you would like to have input over the visual customization of your NPC, you can wait for further releases when we can offer this. We will also allow a one-time visual re-customization once customization has been added if you would like to add your NPC now. We have no ETA on when this will be available.
  • Response to this will be on a first-come first-served basis for each call for responses. If your NPC doesn’t appear in Harvest, feel free to respond again in future posts. We have quite a few towns and cities to populate!
  • We are allowing people who have already submitted NPCs to submit their ideas for Harvest as well if they like, but people who have not yet submitted an NPC will take priority over those who have.
  • When responding, please list a first and second choice for profession.
  • NPCs for Harvest must be human. No kobolds, please.

Still with us? Great! Here’s what we need this month:

(Counts updated 3/6 11:00a Central)

  • 5 guards (Unlike Estgard, these are not Knights of Norgard, as Harvest is not technically within Norgard itself.)
  • 1 innkeeper
  • 1 waiter/waitress
  • 1 crafting merchant
  • 1 fishing merchant
  • 1 cooking merchant
  • 1 blacksmith
  • 1 decorations merchant
  • 1 housing deeds merchant
  • 1 magical supplies merchant
  • 1 Norgard (“viking”) crown merchant
  • 1 crafting trainer
  • 1 combat trainer
  • 1 public vendor
  • 1 banker
  • 1 town crier

If you’d like to have your namesake be a resident of Harvest please respond via private message on this forum to me (Lum) using the following format:

  • NPC name:
  • NPC gender:
  • NPC profession (first choice):
  • NPC profession (second choice):
  • NPC background (optional): A paragraph on whom your NPC is, how they would respond to nosy outlanders poking about their business, what brings them to Harvest (or keeps them there), or anything else you’d like to add. We reserve the right to edit and/or reject any background that does not fit the lore and setting of the game.

Please specify in your submission that this NPC is for Harvest.

We will respond if: your NPC is used; if it is rejected for whatever reason (such as an inappropriate name); if a supplied background is inappropriate, or if your NPC missed the cutoff for this release.

Thanks for your support, and see you in Harvest!